So I'm sitting there at a local Gentleman's Club a couple months ago talking to one of the girls (We'll call her Candy... a good stripper name

), and she asks what I do for a living. I tell her my day job, but I mention that I am also a photographer.
So she's all like "Oh my god! Have you ever heard of Suicide Girls? I've always wanted to be a Suicide Girl!".
So I tell her that yes, I have heard of Suicide Girls, and that even though I am not an official photographer for the site, I would be willing to shoot and submit a set for her. I was actually feeling quite lucky that a random girl that hears I'm a photog brings up SG and was wanting me to shoot a set for her. Quite lucky...
So I give her my card so that she can look at my site (and know I really am a photog), and she calls me a few days later wanting to meet up to discuss the set. I agree and we set up a meeting that weekend at the local Starbucks.
The day before we are to meet, I texted her to make she we were still meeting, and she confirmed.
So there I am, sitting at the Starbucks, and no Candy. I wait for an hour (I had a book), and while there, tried calling her. No answer. Tried texting her. No response. I go home.
I text her again a few days later to ask if she wanted to reschedule. No response.
So I wrote her off as having changed her mind.
Fast forward a few months to last week, and I get a call from Candy on my cell. She's all apologetic about blowing me off (her words), and said that she is still really interested in doing the shoot.
Fine I say, and decide to give her a second chance. I still really want to be a Staff Photographer, and since I don't have models breaking down my door I was willing to try again.
Well, I was supposed to meet her again today, and once again... no call, no show. Try to call her and no answer. Try to text her and no response. I had even once again confirmed with her yesterday that we were meeting today, and she confirmed the time and everything.
I don't mind a model calling me to tell me that she changed her mind about the shoot, or that something came up. But no call, no text, no email or nothing? Unacceptable to say the least.
That is twice she has wasted my time.
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. There won't be a thrice time fooled.