Well, Thursday, they had a bracket competition with 8 bowlers. $20 to enter, and winner would get a new bowling ball, drilled and gripped.
I'm not the bestest of bowlers, but I went ahead and entered.
I made it through round 1 easy.
I thought I lost in round 2 because my second game was so shitty, but made it into round 3 by 2 pins.
In round three, I just couldn't seem to hit shit. No strikes, or even spares, for the first 5 frames, and then finally picked up spares in the 6th and 7th frames. Strike in the 8th, and then noticed a guy watching me that I didn't recognize.
Well, he was the other guy in the finals, and he was already done. He had bowled a 216, which was 222 with his handicap.
In the 8th frame I had a 108...
So I was all like "congratulations, because I know I can't get that"...
Then I hit a strike in the 9th, 2 strikes in the 10th and finished with a 186... with my handicap, it was a 235.
That's right... I won!
So I get my new ball drilled, and go out today to throw a couple games with it to see how it handles, and on my 3rd game, I bowled a 237, with 8 strikes in a row at the end.
Oh yeah... I like this ball.
I would love to have one of those cameras! I've loved the rebel line for quite some time now (espicailly digging the price) Eventually I'd love to go with one like you mentioned-but for now I think the T2i will be a good camera for me to learn on