I gotta say.
Seeing all these beautiful women, with all these beautiful tattoos, really makes me want to go get some more ink.
I keep telling my wife that I want to finish getting my sleeves done, but money is just so tight right now that I can't justify spending a couple hundred dollars on another tat, let alone the amount needed to go from...
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I try my hardest, but I find that I just can't stop wishing my life away one weekend at a time.
Monday through Friday, I wish it was Saturday, and then Saturday and Sunday, I spend more time laying around than actually accomplishing anything.
Oh sure, this weekend I got the garage cleaned out, but the weekend before I think I accomplished only two things....
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Ok... except for the billion bags of trash, the garage has been cleaned out. And now I am exhausted.
I'm still unclear as to how I EVER fit my truck in there, let alone was able to walk around my truck, but now I'm going to have LOTS of room in there.

I'm actually debating now whether or not to change the wall color...
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Sounds like we can see which room works better...garage or bunny room
P.S. I had vision of a new set with your bunnies, or Stitches...HOW STINKING CUTE!!!!
Unfortunately, my bunnies aren't really... tame... I don't know the word, but they won't let you pick them up. They're runners, and they run away and hide.
It is a whole drawn out mess just to cut their nails because they are so hard to catch, and you don't really want to try too hard because their bones are so little and easily breakable. Once you do catch them, I feel like they're having a little heart attack.
Poor bunnies. frown

I swear though... bunnies have the SOFTEST fur I have ever touched. biggrin
Busy day today.
I think I MAY have located the transmission leak. I'll know tomorrow by whether or not I have a puddle under the truck... again.

I also got about 75 to 80 percent done with the garage. Put tons of crap up into the attic, and moved most of my tools from one side of the garage to the other.
Tomorrow I've got...
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YAYAYAYAYAY! Great idea on looking at Craigslist...didn't even think of that!
Yesterday I bitched about the rain. Today... Sun!

You are all welcome.

Other than that, I'm so glad it's the weekend. I've already got a list of stuff that I need to get done.
1) Clean out garage and make it shoot worthy.
2) Sleep in late
3) Play video games
4) Nap

As you can see, I've got a pretty busy weekend lined...
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But you did #1!!!!!!!! biggrin
You know... I honestly didn't know I had this much stuff in my garage. How on earth did I ever fit my truck in there???
It's raining here.
I'm so done with the rain.

My truck has WAY too much power for wet streets. I'm all over the bloody road every time I take my foot off the brake.
Not too mention that I wanted to clean my garage out... yesterday... but really can't with all this bloody rain.

Stupid rain!