This is kind of a boring weekend... and the really shitty part is that I'm working like CRAZY hours next weekend.

I normally work 6am to 230pm, but Friday I'm supposed to work 11am to midnight, and then go back in Saturday morning at 5am, and work until god knows when. frown puke surreal

How I WISH I could be doing photography as my 9 to 5, but...
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Ouch those hours don't sound like much fun.

The other day I took my pick-me-up truck to NTB to have my bearings / brakes checked, and as I thought, my calipers were sticking.
When I asked them about replacing them, the guy was first hesitant, saying that he didn't know if they could get calipers for my truck (it's a 1972 Chevy), and then after checking, said it would be a couple...
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I like when this happens when I am buying clothes or shoes...like I found them on sale, and then see them somewhere else for like a shit ton more than what I paid...total gratification biggrin
Zen and I went out to shoot the first shots of a new set this morning. Kinda like an intro of sorts, and we TOTALLY ACCIDENTALLY shot a full set instead. Had an awesome time doing it too!

I guess it'll be a part 1, and then we'll finish out the original set idea as a part 2 later.

As a side note, I...
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I wish we could buy a house. Our credit is crappy and we have no sizeable down payment :/
Thursday night Staples got a hold of Velcro, and we had to take Velcro to the 24 hour Vet ER.

He was ok. Just tore out one of his nails on the back foot at the cuticle. Worried the shit out of us though because Staples how some CRAZY jaw strength. I've seen him break a tennis ball in half in about 20 minutes......
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Gah!! We were just there last night with Freyja...the girls got into a little fight and Freyja ended up limping with a grapefruit sized hematoma on her right hind leg...oy!
Sorry y'all... no tasty dinner tonight. It's leftover night.
That... and I bought Final Fantasy XIII yesterday, and have been playing the SHIT out of it. It's pissing the wife off something horrible, I can guarantee you that.

So... since there is no dinner, how about I give y'all some math instead... smile Hooray for math!... LOL!!!

As many of you may or may not know,...
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Final Fantasy XIII!!! Perhaps we can get some playing in on Sunday before or after shooting biggrin
I totally didn't read about the engine math...sorry..add
I wanted to thank everybody out there that drives economy cars. And by economy cars, I'm talking about the ones that get like... 25mpg or better (is 25 good?).

I wanted to thank you all for 2 reasons;

1) Because you are driving a high mpg car, you are keeping the gas prices down. And we all know that gas is still stupid expensive, especially...
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Thank you and your welcome wink lol
That looks awesome. Can you make it without the chicken for me? biggrin
HAHA that would be a amazing Tattoo! if you do that you have to show me k?
That looks sooo good

Thursday evening, my pet bunny Zipper was acting kind of odd... not hopping around much and so forth.
So Friday, the wife and I took off work early to take him to the vet... he didn't make it.
He died, in my arms, in the exam room. frown

Buttons seems so lonely now. frown
I didn't want to ruin the nice day at the doggy park.

He was dehydrated. For whatever reason, he stopped drinking water. We didn't notice because he was still hopping around like normal, and since both bunnies were in the same cage, the water level was still going down. Looks like Buttons was eating and drinking Zipper's share of food and water.
Well anyway, he stopped eating, and drinking, but didn't show anything wrong until it was too late.
When I got home from work Thursday, he was still moving around, but later that night, he wasn't moving around much at all.
It turns out that there aren't many vets in the area that deal with bunnies, so it took us a moment to find one that was open and available, and Friday early afternoon was the soonest we could get short of the ER, and we didn't think it was that bad since he was only showing signs of being sick for about 12 to 20 hours.

That's the thing with bunnies though... when they finally start acting sick, it's usually too late. They are REALLY good at hiding it.

We don't know what made him stop drinking. Buttons was in the same cage, eating the same food and drinking the same water, and she's still hopping around and munching on hay, so it wasn't something external that we (or the vet) can think of...

I feel sorry for Buttons because they used to snuggle together so much. But getting another bunny is not the answer because introducing bunnies isn't as easy as introducing dogs or cats. We thought they were going to kill each other that first couple of weeks, but they finally became buddies.
Sorry to hear about Zipper frown

Thanks for commenting on my Just Fucked set! kisskiss
I know I'm not an official photographer... yet... but I already plan on putting DFW on the map for SG.

It just seems like there are so many beautiful ladies here in the metroplex with metal and ink, and yet there are so few on here. Not to mention that I don't think there is a staff photographer in the area.

So this is...
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You rock!!!
P.S. A BIG HUGE yes to the boardgames with Trajedi smile We could do it here at Casa Dog Madness tongue
Oh yaaayyyaahh!! Those pix look great!
So... I totally HATE getting sick.

But I freaking LOVE getting everybody else at work sick.

I always get so much grief from calling in sick, that unless I'm dying, I make it a point to go in. Then, when I'm feeling better, I sit back and laugh at everybody else coughing and gagging and sneezing.

If I can't call in sick... NEITHER CAN YOU!...
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