- on texas's photo
- on Based on their profile pic, what is the person above you THINKING? in silliness
- on Based on their profile pic, what is the person above you THINKING? in silliness
- on Word Ass V: Revenge of the Ass in silliness
- on How much would it take.. in silliness
- on Word Ass V: Revenge of the Ass in silliness
working the night shift about ten miles away from the TEXAS mexico border
had a hell of a time fishing on the Texas coast. only caught one puffer fish and a sun burn
Ben working my ass off the past few weeks now this weekend I'm headed down to the Texas coast for some well deserved relaxation
tees motherfuckers are making me pull a 24 hour shift
I do not give
one fuck
two fuck's
red fuck
or a
blue fuck
I do not give
one fuck
two fuck's
red fuck
or a
blue fuck
it has been many moons since I have been on due too work and other such things. damn glad too be back
I wish. I could figure out the photo thing it's driving me nuts not being able to upload them