so i have decided to go to a job placement office tomorrow morning. because this is getting rediculous. I don't have a bad work record, I am reliable and hard-working, but I have no experience in anything except the army really and no one wants to hire army mechanics cause we dont have certification and mechanics have to be certified to find a job (in any realistic sense). So job placement and laborer/warehouse work for me! lets hope at least
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Hey lookie there 4 comments for my last journal! That's the most sin… -
Monday Nov 01, 2004
yay fun weekend p.s. I am not going to able to move out of this bu… -
Thursday Oct 28, 2004
So I am worried that maybe I listen to too much Elliot Smith to be he… -
Wednesday Oct 27, 2004
good god did last night suck. So I got to work early as usual and go… -
Monday Oct 25, 2004
damn earlier I wrote a humorous and, in my humble opinion, poignant … -
Friday Oct 22, 2004
so I just watched a video by that band HIM to see what all the fuss… -
Thursday Oct 21, 2004
so at the gym I learned that I weigh 178 pounds and have 12 percent b… -
Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
hmmm. do I have any news.... no I slept 10 hours last night and w… -
Sunday Oct 17, 2004
i am tired. Also, I'm not at all a fan of having midterms on monday.… -
Saturday Oct 16, 2004
so my boss's son (my other boss) is a bit afraid of me. Is that good…