had a job interview today. for a retail job at wilson's leather at the mall. don't really want to work there, but i don't function well without a job. i am hoping to get a job working pouring concrete, but i have yet been able to talk to the foreman whose number i have. shitty. i would much rather sweat my ass off pouring concrete at ten bucks an hour than waste away selling rich people lame leather goods for seven an hour.

Anyway- among the stuff I wrote to you- the best idea I had was a flagger. Orange jacket orange flag waving -stop sign toting person. Guess how much those mo fo's in Portland make? 28 freaking dollars an hour. (Delete this post as soon as you read it)
You need to pay to take a training course- I think its like a few hours long. I think it's 160 something bucks. (more than pays for itself)
I'm not sure where you'd go to find out where to take the course. Maybe you could ask the unemployment office. The girl that told me about it- (I asked a girl wearing the orange vest) told me she saw a sign for the course at the unemployment office.) Even if they don't have the sign up- maybe they will know where to take the course.
*shrugs* it's worth a shot
other job ideas:
messenger (need a bike)
waiter (need a brain n a good memory and a good attitude)Hella good money at fancy smancy places. You'd have to wear a long white shirt and a tie. (Don't go sleeveless to your job interview)
loss prevention- Guys make about 10 starting out- Try asking Target or wallmart) the regular managers won't know anything about it- you need to specifically ask to talk to the loss prevention supervisor- or you'll never get noticed- never)
ask for more info if you are interested in tips and tricks for the interview process.
Hugs n stuff
Be good n keep busy over the summer. Colorado is gorgeous! Try n have a good time.
Sean and I will have you and Ami over as soon as we get our place set up in OR. We are still in Ireland for a couple more months. July 7th is our last day here.
take it easy kiddo.