This guy I work with taught me a bunch of new lifts (for weightlifting) which are a kick in the ass.
My computer has recently taken a shit. It doesnt like to stay on very long at all.
I told my boss I'd cover for him from 4 till midnight tonight completely forgetting that I have class from 6 pm till 9 pm. So I have a bit of a juggling act to do this evening.
I had a dream last night that I had a kitchen with one of those double sinks where one of the sinks has a garbage disposal thing in it and a kitten. The kitten had gone into the garbage disposer and didn't want to get out and I was worried that I would accidentally turn on the disposer and kill him, but I wanted to respect his decision to sleep in the drain, so I was trying to convince him to sleep in the other drain by poking him with a spoon while pouring milk down the other sink's drain to make it look more appealing to him. All the while Orchid was sitting on the counter worrying about the kitten and laughing at my efforts to get him out of the disposal unit.
My computer has recently taken a shit. It doesnt like to stay on very long at all.
I told my boss I'd cover for him from 4 till midnight tonight completely forgetting that I have class from 6 pm till 9 pm. So I have a bit of a juggling act to do this evening.
I had a dream last night that I had a kitchen with one of those double sinks where one of the sinks has a garbage disposal thing in it and a kitten. The kitten had gone into the garbage disposer and didn't want to get out and I was worried that I would accidentally turn on the disposer and kill him, but I wanted to respect his decision to sleep in the drain, so I was trying to convince him to sleep in the other drain by poking him with a spoon while pouring milk down the other sink's drain to make it look more appealing to him. All the while Orchid was sitting on the counter worrying about the kitten and laughing at my efforts to get him out of the disposal unit.
Cute dream.
My cousin and I chased this hit and run dude. He plowed into this ladies truck and took off. The cops said he took off cuz he was an illigal alian. I'm surprised he drove right to his house. We chased him from the scene of the accident all the way to my the house my cousin grew up in when he was little. It was really odd. Talk about stupid criminals. Anyway- that was like the only exciting thing that happend while I was in Cali other than the huge knock down drag out between myself and my sisters brother-in-law. (but thats another story)