Why is it that so many guys in porn videos always talk like such fucking tools? I mean hell man I like sex too and I like to watch sex but I fucking hate it when the guy TELLS the chick she likes it. Normally with a constipated look on his face. "Yeah you like that huh you slut"? I'm down with the kink and all but do so many flicks have to be about the guy proving he's straight by talking shit to the girl?
p.s. my monitor is shot. everything is now a odd yellow shade. Fuck, I don't need to be buying a new monitor right now.
p.s. my monitor is shot. everything is now a odd yellow shade. Fuck, I don't need to be buying a new monitor right now.
I remember once a couple years ago when my son was a wee tike~ he took this big ass magnet and stuck it on the screen of our TV set. I think Sean had bought that TV like a few days before that happend. LOL
I was looking at your pics yesterday or the day before and about cracked the fuck up at your Bear Creation.
You're younger than two of my nephews. (I just realised this)I've been feeling really old lately. I think this happens to everyone when they are about to turn 30.
I think you should hide some of your twenties in random spots around your place. It will be a nice surprise when you find em later.~ Unless you've already blown them. In which case~ If you've got it~ SPEND IT. (thats my motto anyway~ but I'm not sure if it's a good one)
A friend of mine from highschool will be here tomorrow. I feel so fucking shitty~ I hope I'm not a complete downer the whole time she's here. I haven't seen her in hella days. (10-12 years)
Oh yeah~ the pic of your dad was fucking awesome.
I have a pic of me somewhere with a Parrot on my head. But a monkey? That's RAD.
I also thought the picture that Ami/Orchid made for you was totally hilarious.
Anyway~ have a great weekend and a happy V-day n all that jazz.