I've said it a hundred times, and i'm sure I'll say it again, but I am NEVER being a D.D. again. Fuck man I try to be cool, I take my friends to a party cause they needed a ride and I wasnt drinking anyway and, though I need to go to work in ...3 hours now, I couldnt sleep so I agreed. And now my car is coated in puke, outside and inside. The kid that did it only drank like 5 or 6 beers too. I assume he would have been ok, but as soon as we got to the party they started smoking weed and they didnt stop until we left. There was so much smoke in the room I must have gotten a contact high, cause the juice I was drinking and chips I was eating were tasting really realy good. So I'm a bit pissed. Should have hung out with my girl tonight rather than coming home meaning to sleep. I suck.
edited because now that I'm up I'm tempted to sit around all day drinking expensive beer and smoking cheap cigarettes.
edited because now that I'm up I'm tempted to sit around all day drinking expensive beer and smoking cheap cigarettes.
That place looks sweet.