the Krays were awesome. the escaped were awesome the rest of the bands were ok. that venue was pretty cool, i've never been there before but there's no stage or riser or anything which sucked for the bands cause kids kept getting thrown into them from the mosh pit and then this one asshole (who I drank with before the show) started breaking all kinds of shit during the escaped show and got his ass beat and tossed out into the street. Lame-o punks trying to be punk rock by ruining their own scene don't make any sense to me. Anyways the lead singer of the Krays gave the crowd the mike for most of the show, and I was singing along most of the voice for me today.
So it was good.
So it was good.
So~ we wake up wicked early in the morning n go to the airport to go to France. I'm excited but dreading the whole,
watch out for the pick~pockets thing. I mean- Sean told me he read some stuff in someones travel journal that said- people will actually rifle trhough your pockets n grab stuff out- even when you're aware of it. FUCK THAT someone will be going home with two back eyes n a broken nose if they shove there paws into my pockets. that will piss me off for the rest of my day. I'm always worried about the pick-pockets ~even in DownTown Dublin. And don't even get me started on that~ lets cut in front of everyone in line SHIT. *pulls hair out of head*
I'm not paranoid~ am I?
Concerts are so much fun. Seems like I've only been to Country Western concerts. I'm not even all that into Country. I mean- I dont usually put it on to listen to at the house or anything. I saw Bad Company perform in Florida hella days ago. Shit- like 11 years ago. Seans mom was WAY WAY into Garth and they got us tickets one year when they were traveling around like dead-heads following him. We saw him in San Antonio. It was good. Garth kept her alive for years. She had terminal cancer and they gave her 3 months. She followed Garth around on n off for like 5 years. They eventually became friends if you can believe that shit. (they talked on the phone) At her viewing there was a HUGE poster size pic of Garth next to the casket on an easel. N so for that- we'll always be grateful to him.
Okay so that was kind of a downer- Sorry.
So~ hopefully your Security job is totally panning out. You don't carry a gun or anything do you? Not that I mind guns- I quite like them actually. Maybe too much. LOL
Oh n thanks alot- right after I wrote in your journal about having nice nails- well- I don't anymore. I guess I shouldnt have been bragging. I'll have to start over.