So I just finished my second day of classes and second day of work as a wanna be fake cop in training. It's not a bad job after all. Classes are good but I think I've definately got a lot of reading. No 10 page reports this semester as far as I know (huge sigh of relief) but lots and lots of reading. And my speech professer seems like a 50 year old valley girl. So that will test my patience. well, I've got all of 7 hours or so till I need to be up, so I'm out.
(edit) oh and I got my septum pierced on a whim yesterday.
(edit) oh and I got my septum pierced on a whim yesterday.
Your septum? ouch! Anything coming outta my nose would bug the crap outta me. You're not Taurus are you?
Good luck with your Speech teacher.