yes indeedy. I spent yesterday with my lovely girlfriend and then my buddy stebs called me frantically looking for his debit card. I searched my car and didnt find it. So I told him that if he couldnt find it, I'd fill his gas tank for him so he could get home (he lives rather far away). He thanked me and hung up. Called me a while later saying he had called the liquor store, searched the house he's been staying at etc etc. so he comes to pick me up to drive me to the gas station and not a block from my house realizes that he put his debit card in his wallet, but in a different part than he normally does. HA HA HE SO CRAZY.
word of the day: brabble
Pronunciation: 'bra-b&l
1. to quarrel noisily, especially over a small matter; wrangle. 2. A petty dispute; a squabble.
While I was at the store, I watched two women brabble over which one would get to buy her son the new Malibu Stacey doll.
word of the day: brabble
Pronunciation: 'bra-b&l
1. to quarrel noisily, especially over a small matter; wrangle. 2. A petty dispute; a squabble.
While I was at the store, I watched two women brabble over which one would get to buy her son the new Malibu Stacey doll.