Drunk again. all my friends and I had our semi-impromtu punk rock cristmas and my amazing girlfriend Orchid gave me the dickies jacket I've been hoping for and a DVD of Finding Nemo (i like cartoons). Both of which I had been hoping for. So thank you orchid and booya everyone else. Also my good friend Andy showed up and me and him and the rest of us drank beer till it was gone and spirits once they were gone and had a good old time. I havent seen him in far far too long. no word of the day right now, i'm far far too drunk...i've had to retype this entry several times already. ta.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 13, 2004
So my new job rocks. I really like driving a forklift. I'm not supe… -
Sunday Oct 10, 2004
yet another weekend has come and gone. it was fun. bought 2 pairs o… -
Friday Oct 08, 2004
i got a job hooray! so i now have no more night life from tuesdays … -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
I checked out a couple new books from the library and am currently ab… -
Monday Oct 04, 2004
well so far it looks like engineerings a bust... -
Monday Sep 27, 2004
well the first day of classes went relatively well. All I had today … -
Sunday Sep 26, 2004
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Thursday Sep 23, 2004
hey everybody I'm here in portland now so call me! we'll hang out! … -
Tuesday Sep 14, 2004
so I woke up yesterday at about 6:30 am went to work, worked nine hou… -
Saturday Sep 11, 2004
hungover again. This time cause i went and got drunk for my friend p…