Drunk again. all my friends and I had our semi-impromtu punk rock cristmas and my amazing girlfriend Orchid gave me the dickies jacket I've been hoping for and a DVD of Finding Nemo (i like cartoons). Both of which I had been hoping for. So thank you orchid and booya everyone else. Also my good friend Andy showed up and me and him and the rest of us drank beer till it was gone and spirits once they were gone and had a good old time. I havent seen him in far far too long. no word of the day right now, i'm far far too drunk...i've had to retype this entry several times already. ta.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Hey lookie there 4 comments for my last journal! That's the most sin… -
Monday Nov 01, 2004
yay fun weekend p.s. I am not going to able to move out of this bu… -
Thursday Oct 28, 2004
So I am worried that maybe I listen to too much Elliot Smith to be he… -
Wednesday Oct 27, 2004
good god did last night suck. So I got to work early as usual and go… -
Monday Oct 25, 2004
damn earlier I wrote a humorous and, in my humble opinion, poignant … -
Friday Oct 22, 2004
so I just watched a video by that band HIM to see what all the fuss… -
Thursday Oct 21, 2004
so at the gym I learned that I weigh 178 pounds and have 12 percent b… -
Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
hmmm. do I have any news.... no I slept 10 hours last night and w… -
Sunday Oct 17, 2004
i am tired. Also, I'm not at all a fan of having midterms on monday.… -
Saturday Oct 16, 2004
so my boss's son (my other boss) is a bit afraid of me. Is that good…