So i saw the coolest thing on earth on the learning channel yesterday. Apparently somewhere in Scotland there's a town called Falkirk. Somewhere in/near Falkirk there's this thing called the Falkirk Wheel. It's like this crazy ass way of connecting two canals, but not with a system of locks. go here... Falkirk Wheel...and tell me that that's not the coolest fucking contraption in the world!
mirriam webster onlines word of the day is fanfaronade \fan-fair-uh-NAYD\ noun
: empty boasting : bluster
as in I would say that I'm good looking, smart, and good in bed, but that would be nothing but fanfaronade
mirriam webster onlines word of the day is fanfaronade \fan-fair-uh-NAYD\ noun
: empty boasting : bluster
as in I would say that I'm good looking, smart, and good in bed, but that would be nothing but fanfaronade
We finally got a TV but we had to pay a tax of 150 Euro on it. So that was pretty bunk.
Hey if you're looking to stregnthen your vocabulary- why don't you just start listening to Alanis Morrisette? LMAO
(laughing my ass off)