good show last night
i've decided i'm not cool enough to be punk, which basically leaves me with nothing
and i cant figure out how to change my billing to my new bank so i'm quitting. it's been real
also my car was broken into last night, leaving me with 30 less cds, on less stereo and a very bad mood
i've decided i'm not cool enough to be punk, which basically leaves me with nothing
and i cant figure out how to change my billing to my new bank so i'm quitting. it's been real
also my car was broken into last night, leaving me with 30 less cds, on less stereo and a very bad mood
My cds were spared and left under the front seat on the passenger side.
R U guys doing something cool for Halloween?
I don't know what to tell you about the account info stuff. I suck at that kinda crap as well. Anyway~ Love and Light~ Elle