Good weekend. Girlfriend and I went up to Seattle with a couple friends to go to the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. We saw two movies. One was Girls' Shorts and the other was Rise Above which is a documentary about Tribe 8. It was fucking fun. Also, we had good sex in an RV, and I've never done that either. Then I came home and wrote a super smart assed 4 page essay about how the bible likes war. I think i'll get a bad grade for making fun of the bible at this, a lutheran school but I dont care. I'm unwilling to write good things about the bible just because they tell me to.
edited because I've talked to several girls on campus and I'm really interested in starting a sexual assault and rape awareness club or something on campus, and want everyones opinion on whether girls would respond to a man telling them about this issue.
edited because I've talked to several girls on campus and I'm really interested in starting a sexual assault and rape awareness club or something on campus, and want everyones opinion on whether girls would respond to a man telling them about this issue.
Sounds like your weekend kicked ass! I'm gonna have to do a search on Tribe 8.
You can't find good movies here. But you can get a tan at the video store.
In response to the question, I'm not sure what you mean by awareness. Statistics? Tips? Self defense classes? I would be open to hearing information on the issue from a man, but if I were assaulted I'd probably rather go to a woman for help and support.