so yesterday i started boxing. Fuck what a workout. I'm so sore today. I kind of want to die. I also start the sleeve tomorrow. And we finally finished Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain which is the most boring book i've ever read. So things are good.
You wouldnt believe how many people go to cheer these people on- the crowd was CRAZY. Some d00d sitting behind me had the thickest accent- kept screaming get em Cork. I think the match was between Cork n Dublin.- But it sounded like he was saying Cock. N I about wanted to piss my pants.
My kids loved it- Sean(hubby) loved it.- I was like this is great for the first five seconds.- It just got boring seeing them wack the ball back n fourth.- N the fact they kept getting hurt sucked.-Although- I dig it when Hockey Players bust out fighting.-We only saw one fight- between the gals- the rest of the injuries were from girls getting in front of the hurly stick.-
Do you ever watch Crank Yankers?- the Learning -YAY!- thing reminds me of the special kid- its too f*ing funny!- Sean downloaded all that special kids pranks.- We crack up every time we hear him say YAY!. Im talking about- where you wrote Learning! yay! in your profile- very enthusiastic!
Love N Light, Elle
i thought i was hard core for lifting free weights today and raising the incline on the goddamn running machine.
some people are always trying to make others look bad, psh.