i never knew college was ging to be this easy. The only problem I really have is that I keep reading my British Literature homework too far in advance and then do badly on the test because I've forgotten everything in the 2 or 3 days since I read it. Rock. health and fitness is a joke of a class. In a big big way.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Hey lookie there 4 comments for my last journal! That's the most sin… -
Monday Nov 01, 2004
yay fun weekend p.s. I am not going to able to move out of this bu… -
Thursday Oct 28, 2004
So I am worried that maybe I listen to too much Elliot Smith to be he… -
Wednesday Oct 27, 2004
good god did last night suck. So I got to work early as usual and go… -
Monday Oct 25, 2004
damn earlier I wrote a humorous and, in my humble opinion, poignant … -
Friday Oct 22, 2004
so I just watched a video by that band HIM to see what all the fuss… -
Thursday Oct 21, 2004
so at the gym I learned that I weigh 178 pounds and have 12 percent b… -
Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
hmmm. do I have any news.... no I slept 10 hours last night and w… -
Sunday Oct 17, 2004
i am tired. Also, I'm not at all a fan of having midterms on monday.… -
Saturday Oct 16, 2004
so my boss's son (my other boss) is a bit afraid of me. Is that good…
or i could be dying.
I think I have carpol tunnel too.
Did I mention Im a raving hypocondriac? I mean- I dont think I am- but my husband tells me that all the time n most my fleshy friends tell me that.
Once- I had this terrible pain in my foot- it was so bad- that I kept sweating n totally baring the pain. (I couldnt walk) It felt like a huge piece of sharp metal was lodged in my foot.- The weird thing was that there was no entry hole. I delt with it for two dayz before hoping to my car on one foot n driving MYSELF to the ER. (no one believed me)
The ex-ray showed that there was a needle in my foot.
How it got there without making an enrty wound- I'll never know. It was pushed through the back of my heel.
So it wasnt straight up n down as if Id stepped on it.-
I was seriously starting to think I wasn't feeling any pain n that it really was JUST in my head. I kept wondering- why do I still feel the pain if Im giving up n trying wholeheartedly to believe that my foot doesnt hurt????????????????????????????
I kept the x-ray n pinned it up in my kitchen for a few months- just so hubby could see it- all the time.
(Im wicked like that)
Anyway- try to tame your enthusiasm down a notch in your british lit class so that you get a good grade. Or just review what you need to know before any test- n keep on BLAZIN' through it!!
Love n Light- Elle xoxox