I watched Cube 2 tonight. Not as good as the original. Kind of a weak effort, but I guess I should have expected that. I don't know if Cube was ever in theatres, so quite possibly it's a sequel to a straight to video movie. In other news, I think I'm a hopeless romantic against my will. Last night me and my girlfriend took a walk after dark along Clear Creek, and tomorrow we're going on a hike overlooking the town after I get off work, so most likely at dusk. (If you're still interested, babe) Crap I make me sick.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 13, 2004
So my new job rocks. I really like driving a forklift. I'm not supe… -
Sunday Oct 10, 2004
yet another weekend has come and gone. it was fun. bought 2 pairs o… -
Friday Oct 08, 2004
i got a job hooray! so i now have no more night life from tuesdays … -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
I checked out a couple new books from the library and am currently ab… -
Monday Oct 04, 2004
well so far it looks like engineerings a bust... -
Monday Sep 27, 2004
well the first day of classes went relatively well. All I had today … -
Sunday Sep 26, 2004
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Thursday Sep 23, 2004
hey everybody I'm here in portland now so call me! we'll hang out! … -
Tuesday Sep 14, 2004
so I woke up yesterday at about 6:30 am went to work, worked nine hou… -
Saturday Sep 11, 2004
hungover again. This time cause i went and got drunk for my friend p…