I feel like I should have more news. I am home and have been spending basically all my time with my friends and girlfriend. It's been lots of fun, but we havent really done all that much. Just drank a lot. But its great to be back. Even better than I had imagined.
In other news, I am starting the atkins diet, so I will hopefully get cut up so I can wander around with no shirt on while its still hot.
In other other news I might hopefully get a job working on Pinzgauers(i dont know if I spelled that right
In other news, I am starting the atkins diet, so I will hopefully get cut up so I can wander around with no shirt on while its still hot.
In other other news I might hopefully get a job working on Pinzgauers(i dont know if I spelled that right
I've done the atkins diet...sounds good but after awhile you're just thinking "If I eat another piece of meat my body will turn inside out and wreak (sp?) havok on this earth....give me sugar". but you do lose wieght, which is good but I can't live too long without potatoes.
Atkin's diet huh? Don't go overboard with that stuff..