- on bigsissy's page
Hey lookie there 4 comments for my last journal! That's the most since....ever I think. Also, who feels like joining me in boycotting pearls new set which should have been called "Vandalizing our nation's symbol". Nice that all my friends who are in Iraq are fighting to let some idiot broad spray paint on the symbol of the nation they signed up to defend (not...
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yay fun weekend
p.s. I am not going to able to move out of this building until the end of the month...that sucks. I am sick of living in campus housing
too many goddamn college kids.
p.s. I am not going to able to move out of this building until the end of the month...that sucks. I am sick of living in campus housing
too many goddamn college kids.
heh. The screenshot is of a track I just finished for a competition. It's a sound mixing program, I like it a lot.
So, you lived in Da LG huh? That means you, uniquely, know how to keep it real. I plan on leaving as soon as I can.
So, you lived in Da LG huh? That means you, uniquely, know how to keep it real. I plan on leaving as soon as I can.

you are purdy

So I am worried that maybe I listen to too much Elliot Smith to be healthy recently. Work last night went ok. I stayed up too long after work though....gotta lay off all those free coca colas. Little bit of homeworkin' to do today.
good god did last night suck. So I got to work early as usual and got everything ready. Well as ready as I could, considering one of the bay doors leaks lots of water when it rains, so I can't load the newsprint in there cause it gets wet. Then the newspaper called and told me they wanted a bunch of rolls that weren't ready,...
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Sounds like a pending Workers Comp claim...both for bodily injury and for stress. And I hate trying to fit more than one days work into one day.

earlier I wrote a humorous and, in my humble opinion, poignant tome about my current eating habits. But then I forgot to upload it, so that sucks. In any case, I am both too lazy and lacking decent ingredients and am therefore left to eat food which is often healthy but disarmingly unappetizing.
earlier I wrote a humorous and, in my humble opinion, poignant tome about my current eating habits. But then I forgot to upload it, so that sucks. In any case, I am both too lazy and lacking decent ingredients and am therefore left to eat food which is often healthy but disarmingly unappetizing.
Thanks for the comment, dude. I hate it when I forget to upload...
And too bad that a lot of healthy foods are unappetizing.

so I just watched a video by that band HIM to see what all the fuss what about. Fucking crap. They sound like they want to be the cure mixed with Depeche Mode and look like they all think that they're LeStadt from that movie "Queen of the Damned". Lame. In a big way. How does crap ass music like that get popular?
Time seems...
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Time seems...
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Time going by quickly gives you more incentive to enjoy the present as much as possible.
Now that's the kind of diet most people could live with. Unless it requires you to wake up every three hours and eat. To do that I would have to sleep on the kitchen floor.
Now that's the kind of diet most people could live with. Unless it requires you to wake up every three hours and eat. To do that I would have to sleep on the kitchen floor.
so at the gym I learned that I weigh 178 pounds and have 12 percent body fat. WOO HOO go me! I'm a stud and you know it.
Ok, ego stroking beside I am looking for snow boots like Napoleon Dynamite wears. Anyone know where I can find them?
Ok, ego stroking beside I am looking for snow boots like Napoleon Dynamite wears. Anyone know where I can find them?
hmmm. do I have any news.... no
I slept 10 hours last night and woke up and decided that I wasn't in the mood to do anything today. So I am just now getting ready to go do something sort of useful (if by useful you mean looking for a halloween costume) four hours later.
I slept 10 hours last night and woke up and decided that I wasn't in the mood to do anything today. So I am just now getting ready to go do something sort of useful (if by useful you mean looking for a halloween costume) four hours later.
While attempting to read your dating profile I reached for my bag of jellybeans and almost stuck my hand into whats left of my bowl of ramen.
i am tired. Also, I'm not at all a fan of having midterms on monday. but I got a cell phone for my work and it plays "thriller" when I get called. Although I rarely get calls. Ah well, c'est la vie.
p.s. new picture! you like?
p.s. new picture! you like?
i'll drop ya from sgco for now - but please do reapply if you're gonna be here for any stretch of time, k? 

I like it.
so my boss's son (my other boss) is a bit afraid of me. Is that good? or cool, for that matter? I'm not sure if I like the idea of people who I have to work for being nervous when they're in the room with me. hmm....
in other news, work tonight was fucking awesome. I rocked the casbah in a big way. and then...
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in other news, work tonight was fucking awesome. I rocked the casbah in a big way. and then...
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So my new job rocks. I really like driving a forklift. I'm not super good at it yet, but its cool. My boss, however, went into great detail about his upcoming prostate biopsy which will take place tomorrow. Very detailed he was. Pretty fucking gross. Other than that it's cool. I only fucked up one roll of newsprint, so it wasn't half bad.
Also, midterms...
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Also, midterms...
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yet another weekend has come and gone. it was fun. bought 2 pairs of jeans at a thrift store for 99 cents apiece. I have decided that I need to put a cocksparrer patch on my jean jacket since it has no patches on it yet. Also I bought the new flogging molly record. Its ok, but the one i got has a big blister...
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hey - nice to meet you. um, yeah.
so, you didn't respond to the roll call on SGCO - wanna stay in the group? drop a note in my journal pretty please.
i'm cleanin house (since i apparently won't do it in rl...)
so, you didn't respond to the roll call on SGCO - wanna stay in the group? drop a note in my journal pretty please.

i will let you back in if you promise to do a few things:
1.) come out this weekend to suicide saturday to meet me. (i'll be there after 1130 cause i have a gig at 1030) plus my best friend will be here and i want her to have fun and meet other members (she is newbluecheer)
2.) be more active in the group.. i have hardly seen a post from you since i let you in!!! i'm about all done with inactive lurker members.
whaddya say?
1.) come out this weekend to suicide saturday to meet me. (i'll be there after 1130 cause i have a gig at 1030) plus my best friend will be here and i want her to have fun and meet other members (she is newbluecheer)
2.) be more active in the group.. i have hardly seen a post from you since i let you in!!! i'm about all done with inactive lurker members.
whaddya say?
I think it's clear whos the "cunt" here
(hint: it's you)