I've been trying to think of something positive to write, but having a hard time coming up with that. Life just really doesn't seem fair these days.

On Augus 1st I got a call from my best friend telling me that our good friends husband was dead. WHAT???? He went into work on his day off to finish up some stuff. Was being trained on...
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Unfortunately death is a part of life. I've had my fair share of untimely deaths and it never gets easier. frown

On a lighter note here's something that I hope will cheer you up:

A businessman sends a fax to his wife:
To my Dear Wife, You will surely understand that I have certain needs
that you with your 54 years can no longer supply. I am very happy with
you and value you as a good wife.
Therefore after reading this fax, I hope that you will not wrongly
interpret the fact that I will be spending the evening with my 18 year old secretary at the Comfort Inn Hotel.
Please don't be perturbed, I shall be back home before midnight.
When the man came home, he found the following letter on the dining
room table.

My Dear Husband:
I received your fax, and thank you for your honesty.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are also
54 years old.
At the same time I would like to inform you that while you read this,
I will be at the Hotel Fiesta with Michael my tennis coach, who like
your secretary is also 18 years old.
As a successful businessman and with your excellent knowledge of Math,
youwill understand that we are in the same situation, although with one
smalldifference. 18 goes into 54 more often than 54 goes into 18.
Therefore I will not be back before lunchtime tomorrow.

Have a good day. smile

[Edited on Aug 10, 2004 10:29AM]
So....I get a call from an OLD friend, and she is going on about another OLD friend that she swears was just killed. WTF?? I think she's back on drugs. The friend she thought was dead of course wasn't, and she continued to ramble on for another half hour and wouldn't let me off the phone or otherwise was going to come visit me. That...
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Ahhhh, time on the road alone. I took a trip once by myself that lasted about four months or so. I gotta say, I had one of the best times of my life. You can get a ton of thinking done too. Which in my case is probably a bad idea, I really shouldn't be left alone for too long because I start coming up with all of my crazy theories and nutty ideas.....But hey, solo trips are cool. Oh, and if you wanna Email me, I'm at RocknRolJesus668@aol.com..I'm also at the edge of sanity, but that's a story for another time.....have a fun, safe, memoriable trip!!!!!
friend's it is! scooby doo!
Okay, so here I am at 2am contemplating life and what the hell it has in store for me. I believe I'm at the crossroads of life and really not sure which road to choose. There are two such different roads and either one could be disasterous. Do you stay in a relationship because it's been over 11 years and all you've basically known all...
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Thanks for the words!

Be honest with your self and I think you will figure out what to do. Honesty is the only way to avoid regrets.
Whoa....I can totally, unfortunately, relate..lol..Well, I can't really hang with the 11-year part but besides that, I get it. I think it's very hard to figure out because if you've known that person for any length of time you've shared so much and have been so close that it's hard to end it. I tell ya', I can;t even figure out when the best time to tell them would be!!! "Sooo..that Seinfeld guy, he's funny. Hey, we should talk."...I dunno.
I guess you gotta figure out if your happiness is the price of someone else's, and if that's okay with you. Or maybe you're just going through a tough spot..or maybe I should see you naked....um, wait, that was all wrong. Well, it was all right, yet somehow all wrong....good luck!
So another week is upon us already. I hope everyone had a good weekend! I did.
On Saturday a group of 15 of us went up to Soboba for the King of the Cage fight. There were 19 fights on the card for the night. It was my first time at this particular fight. We've been going to the UFC fights in Vegas lately. The...
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Ya know what tho'? Now that I think about it you should go and rent the second season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, I'm a Seinfeld geek and Larry Davids show is super funny! I can understand wanting to leave, I'm just so new here that it's still fun. SO you'll probably be gone before I get a band together and play the Brick by Brick...but I'm gonna keep on rockin alone in my living room until then.
Arizona makes me hot.

(cause its in the desert 'n' shit)
Have fun
Well, I made it back from Arizona, but fell in love while I was there! Who would've ever thought I'd want to go back to the HELLISH heat so soon? eeek I am truly a San Diego girl at heart but maybe it's time to explore a little more... I guess we shall see. So many things changing so quickly.
I stayed in Phoenix while there,...
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glad you had a nice trip to arizona. Remids me of my trip to albuquerque
yay arizona skull skull skull
Went to Magic Mountain last weekend....BIG mistake! Was there for 11 hours, rode 2 rollercoasters and 2 water rides. Won't be doing that again on a weekend! mad

Going to movies with my best friend today, and afterwards heading over to the MAC store! Got new colors in! biggrin

Will be heading to Arizona later this month to visit a friend. Can't wait for that! Will be...
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Magic Mountain sounds SO cool... but i guess its a bit of a let down, since there isn't really any magic going on there. Anyhow, have fun on your trip smile

good luck in Az