Played some mini golf with lil poppa today. He wanted to try the pitch and putt but not yet. Going to take him to the driving range and see how he likes it. Nothing much to report about. I saw Transformers 2 with LP and he ruined a part of the movie by telling me what happens. little punk.
My birthday is coming up. Usually I treat myself to something but I already got a couple of things. Upgrades actually. I;m taking a day off and prolly going to hit the driving range before the beer hall.
I want to go on a cruise.
I may get me an Arcee Transformer and keep it on my desk at work
My birthday is coming up. Usually I treat myself to something but I already got a couple of things. Upgrades actually. I;m taking a day off and prolly going to hit the driving range before the beer hall.
I want to go on a cruise.
I may get me an Arcee Transformer and keep it on my desk at work
Fireworks and crowds frighten me, so I have been a total antisocial geek today.. shopping and a mani/pedi /massage followed by Return of the Jedi in my jammies..Oh yeh, im soo cool.. 

T tried to climb up a chair and it fell over on top of her...