So I had my photo shoot for an alterniporn site. (I am a model) saturday. I had a set with my bike which was cool cus I was wearing my bike gang hoody. In fact all the clothes I was wearing were something I made or signifigantly modifyed. I made my pants printed the image on my shirt, made the hoody and printed all the images on it, and made the buckeling setup for my boots. So twards the end of the shoot, as all i am wearing was a thick chain witha u lock holding it together, i leaned back on the radiator (which had been off when I had touched it before) and burned a grill pattern into my ass. I jumped with a start, because I had not been expecting that, and accedently put my hand through the window behind me. As I fell, I burned my right shoulder, my left elbow and as I hit the ground, I got whaped in the nuts with the u-lock I was wearing. Fortinantly there were five people standint there to witness my idotcy. Sweet.