so real quick....... so far this week at work has been decent. some of the h1n1 panic seems, and i stress seems to be dying down a little bit. at least according to our er numbers, which peaked in the high 300's every day last week. i guess health wise, emotional wise, and whatever else wise i am doing okay so far this week. the good, and pretty good days are winning over the bad days this week. of course, when work is going fairly decent, i have fewer bad days, go figure, right?
so here is a darryl problem that i am open to suggestions on. my therapist in her infinite wisdom says that i need to find a way to start dating again. (it has been over a year since i was seeing anyone) i am hesitant because every time i do get with someone, i end up getting burned somehow, getting taken advantage of always, and usually the other partner will just leave with no explanation when they are done with me. all in all, this sucks. and lead to serious trust issues, and kind of makes me shy away from all you lovely women. i have looked at the dating sites on the internet, which might be a good idea, but damn, they cost too much money for my budget. what to do? heck if i know.....anyway, anyone who wants to chime in feel free. and if by chance anyone who lives close to frederick md and wants to go out, let me know!
peace everybody. d.

Yay for your good days. I hope they keep up!!!! Jeez we do sound alike. I totally get you. Plenty of fish is a free dating website. I was on there, went on two dates, and realized I just wasn't ready. My trust has been shattered. I am not sure how to build it back up. If YOU know how let me know. Keep having those good days.