yeah i know...haven't updated the old blog lately. but i figure i sometimes dont have anything to update it with.... my life is kind of boring, i will admit it. yes, i know i should change that, it's complicated. this past weekend was horrible for me, i was very, very, very depressed. i basically spent all of sunday and monday in my room. remember i work nights, my room is dark like a cave, sometimes i slept, sometimes i just laid there, sometimes i would watch a bit of a dvd. i managed to up and about on tuesday, mainly because that is the day i see my therapist, she says we have to figure out something to get me up and about on my days off. she also says i need to start dating, yeah right. my track record in the dating department, not good. i even proved that yet again, like barely two weeks ago. it sucks. i often wonder how people manage to meet such wonderful boyfriends and girlfriends. i don't know, i just find the whole process painful. i have a very long list of "issues", ranging from trust, to abandonment, to a whole host of other things. maybe some of my female friends have some advice, i can always use some of that. anyway, that is me for the moment. i hope all of my friends are well, doing well, and are happy, at least for today. peace everyone. d.
Dating is a bitch. But try not to let the past destroy any chance you have for something in the future. Good luck
aw dating is hard for everyone i think haha fuck it who needs it get yourself a pup and thats all you need :]