it is so rare that i can write a blog when i am actually happy, or things are going well in my life, or i just don't have anything much to complain about in general. this of course is not one of blogs......i hate my life on so many levels right now, i cannot begin to describe it. i am currently depressed as hell, to the point where doing much of anything simply hurts. my mind is all kinds of mixed up with all kinds of bad thoughts. i fear that i may end up in the hospital today, i don't like the hospital, but if it keeps me well and safe for a couple of days, then, i guess that is what i need to do. i guess i just need some happy thoughts from my friends, my true, i don't know what my life would be like without you friends, you all know who you are. i will keep you posted as to how my day turns out, if you don't hear anything from me for a day or two, then you know where i am. peace, d.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 07, 2009
so i made it home today..... i spent the last five days in the hospi… -
Wednesday Sep 30, 2009
yeah i know...haven't updated the old blog lately. but i figure i s… -
Monday Sep 21, 2009
so it is monday. my job is driving me nuts...i have officially decid… -
Saturday Sep 12, 2009 i made it to saturday. work just pushed me to the edge th… -
Monday Sep 07, 2009
okay so today is monday....labor day holiday. i am off on mondays a… -
Monday Aug 31, 2009
monday.......i had some very ambitious plans for today. emphasis on … -
Friday Aug 28, 2009
thought i would shoot out a quick blog. my week has been something l… -
Monday Aug 17, 2009
sooooo...... i had a doctor appmt. this afternoon, of the psychiatr… -
Saturday Aug 15, 2009
i have alot going thru my mind this morning.......maybe too much to … -
Monday Aug 10, 2009
monday, monday, monday.......a day most folks can't stand, and i do…
I'm struggling too in some aspects...this whole having to start looking for a new job is getting to me....