hello everybody!!!!! i really have not been on here much in the past couple of weeks. i have been having some health "issues" that have really limited my ability to do much of anything. (except spend long periods of a day in my very dark room) i have promised myself that this weekend....which for me is sunday and monday...i need to go thru a bunch of new sets, send messages to some friends, and at the same time hopefully get some much needed rest, as i am very, very tired from the week i just finished. working nights sucks, by the way, it is soooooooo hard to have a life. i need a change. anyway, i hope everyone is doing well, all is happy and everyone's planets are lined up in the right direction to bring peace and joy to your lives. take care, those of you i owe messages to, i will talk to you soon. d.
I hope all is ok with you ♥