Para entender as diferentes vertentes do Metal e do Rock, vamos imaginar uma situao e seus respectivos desfechos na abordagem de cada estilo.
To better understand each diferent style of Metal and Rock music, let's imagine a situation and it's end on each style.
No alto do castelo, h uma linda princesa - muito carente - que foi ali trancada, e guardada por um grande e terrvel drago
"Up high at the castle, there is a wonderful princess, lonely and sad, who has been locked up there, and she's watched by a big terrible mean dragon"
O protagonista chega no castelo numa Harley Davidson, mata o drago, enche a cara de cerveja com a princesa e depois transa com ela. Posteriormente se separam quando ela descobre que ele transou com uma groupie.
The protagonist gets to the castle on his Harley Davidson, kills the dragon, drink lots of beer with the princess and then they have sex. Lately they brake up because she finds out he had sex with some groupie.
O protagonista chega no castelo num cavalo alado branco, escapa do drago, salva a princesa, fogem para longe e fazem amor.
The protagonist gets to the castle on a white horse, escape from the dragon, saves the princess, run away from far away then they make love.
O protagonista chega brandindo sua espada e trava uma batalha gloriosa contra o drago. O drago sucumbe enquanto ele permanece em p, banhado pelo sangue de seu inimigo, sinal de seu triunfo. Resgata a princesa. Esgota a pacincia dela com auto-elogios e transa com ela.
The protagonist arrives with his sword and gets in a glorious battle against the dragon. The dragon succumbs while he's still stand, covered on his enemy's blood, sign of his triunph. He rescues the princess. Gets her full of himself then have sex.
O protagonista chega acompanhado de vrios amigos e duendes tocando acordeon, alade, viola e outros instrumentos estranhos. Fazem o drago dormir depois de tanto danar, e vo embora, sem a princesa, pois a floresta est cheia de ninfas, elfas e fadas.
Gets there with a bunch of friends and elfs playing accordion, lute other weird musical instruments. They put the dragon to sleep after dancing, and then they leave, without the princess, because there are lots of nynphs, fairies and elfs on the florest.
(meu favorito / my favorite)
O protagonista chega em um navio, mata o drago com um machado, assa e come. Estupra a princesa, pilha o castelo e toca fogo em tudo antes de ir embora.
The protagonist arrives in a boat, kills the dragon with a axe, barbecued it and eat it. Rapes the princess, destroys the castle and put it all on fire before leaving.
Chega de madrugada, dentro da neblina. Mata o drago e empala em frente ao castelo. Sodomiza a princesa, a corta com uma faca e bebe o seu sangue em um ritual at mat-la. Depois descobre que ela no era mais virgem e a empala junto com o drago.
Gets there on daybrake, throught the fog. Kills the dragon and impale in front of the castle. Sadomized the princess, in a ritual, cuts her with a knife and drinks her blood until she's dead. Later on he finds out she wasn't virgin and impales her together with the dragon.
O protagonista chega, mata o drago, transa com a princesa, mata a princesa e vai embora.
Kills the dragon, have sex with the princess, kills her and leave.
Chega, mata o drago. Sobe no castelo, transa com a princesa e a mata. Depois transa com ela de novo. Queima o corpo da princesa e transa com ele de novo.
Kills the dragon. Climbs to the top of the castle, have sex with the princess and then kills her. Then, again, have sex with her. Puts her body on fire and once again, have sex with her.
Chega, mata o drago, abre-o com um bisturi. Sodomiza a princesa com as tripas do drago. Abre buracos nela com o bisturi e estupra cada um dos buracos. Tira os globos oculares da princesa e estupra as rbitas. Depois mata a princesa, faz uma autpsia, tira fotos, e lana um lbum cuja capa uma das fotos.
Kills the dragom, opens it with a scalpel. Sodomized the princess with the dragon's guts. Cuts wholes on her body with a scalpel and rapes her throught each whole cuted by him. Pulls her eyeballs off and rapes her orbis. After it, he kills the princess, gives his autopsy, take pictures, and release an album which the cover is one of those pictures.
Chega no castelo, olha o tamanho do drago, fica deprimido e se mata. O drago come o cadver do protagonista e depois come a princesa.
Looks at the dragon, gets depressed and kills himself. The dragon eats his dead body and later eats the princess.
Chega no castelo, exorciza o drago, converte a princesa e usa o castelo para sediar mais uma Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus.
Gets to the castle, exorcizes the dragon, converts the princess to his religion and uses the castle to open another church.
Chega no castelo se achando o bonzo e dizendo o quanto bom de briga. Quer provar para todos que tambm foda e capaz de salvar a princesa. Acha que capaz de vencer o drago; perde feio e leva o maior cacete. O protagonista New Metal toma um prozak e vai gravar um disco The Best Of.
He gets to the castle feeling he's the bomb, saying he's a good fighter. He wants to prove to everybody he's the man and he's able to save the princess. He thinks he's able to put the dragon down; The dragon kicks his ass big time, and he gets all fucked up. The new metal protagonist takes a prozac and records a "the best of" kid of album.
Chega drogado, escapa do drago e encontra a princesa. Conta para ela sobre a sua infncia triste. A princesa d um soco na cara dele e vai procurar o protagonista Heavy Metal. O protagonista grunge sofre uma overdose de herona.
Gets ther really high, escapes from the dragon e finds the princess. Tells her about his sad childhood. The princess punch him on the face and go looking for the heavy metal protagonist. The grunge protagonist overdoses on heroyn and dies.
Chega de moto fumando um baseado e oferece para o drago, que logo fica seu amigo. Depois acampa com a princesa numa parte mais afastada do jardim e depois de muito sexo, drogas e rock n roll, tem uma overdose de LSD e morre sufocado no prprio vmito.
Arrives on his motorbike smoking a joint and offers some to the dragon, who sundely becomes friend with him. Then he goes camping with the princess somewhere in the garden and after lots of sex, drugs and rock and roll, overdoses on LSD and dies chokying on his own vomit
Cospe no drago, joga uma pedra nele e depois foge. Pixa o muro do castelo com um A de anarquia. Faz um moicano na princesa e depois abre uma barraquinha de fanzines no saguo do castelo.
Spits on the dragon, throws a rock on the dragon and then runs away. Draws an "A" as in Anarchy on the castle's wall. Makes a mohawk on the princes' hair and opens a fanzine store in the castle's basement
Chega ao castelo e conta ao drago o quanto gosta da princesa. O drago fica com pena e o deixa passar. Aps entrar no castelo ele descobre que a princesa fugiu com o protagonista Heavy Metal. Escreve uma msica de letra emotiva contando como foi abandonado pela sua amada e como o mundo injusto.
Tell the dragon how much he likes the princess. The dragon gets all touchy and let him in. After getting in the castle he finds out that the princess ran away with the heavy metal protagonist. Writes an emo song telling how he was abandoned by his beloved and how unfair the world is.
Chega, toca um solo virtuoso de guitarra de 26 minutos. O drago se mata de tanto tdio. Chega at a princesa e toca outro solo que explora todas as tcnicas de atonalismo em compassos ternrios compostos aprendidas no ltimo ano de conservatrio. A princesa foge e vai procurar o protagonista Heavy Metal.
Plays a 26 minutes long guitar solo. The dragon kills himself for boredom. Gets till the princess and plays another guitar solo which explores all his techniques he had learned while on conservatory. The princess runs away looking for the heavy metal protagonist.
Chega em um conversvel vermelho, com duas loiras peitudas e tomando Jack Daniels. Mata o drago com uma faca e faz uma orgia com a princesa e as loiras.
Get to the castle driving a red convertible, with busty blondes drinking jack daniel's. Kills the dragon with a knife and gets in an orgy with the princess and the two busty blondes.
O protagonista Hardcore chega bangueando, coloca o drago na roda, o enche de chutes e o derruba no fosso. Sobe todo o castelo, e d um mosh da torre mais alta.
The hardcore protagonist gets to the castle poguin (?)(pogo), puts the dragon in the midle of it, kicks the dragon and tips him in the gap. Goes up in the castle and jumps from the highest tower.
Chega no castelo. O drago r tanto quando o v que o deixa passar. Ele entra no castelo, rouba o hair dresser e o batom da princesa. Depois a convence a pintar o castelo de rosa e a fazer luzes nos cabelos.
The dragon starts to laught so hard when it sees the glam rocker that let him in. He get into the castle, steals the princes' hair dresser and lipstick. After convinces her to dye her hair pink.
Entra pelos fundos do castelo. O drago fica com pena de bater em um nerd franzino de culos e deixa ele passar. A princesa no aguenta ouvir ele falando de moda e cinema, e foge com o protagonista Heavy Metal.
Gets in the castle trhought the backdoor. The dragon thinks its not correct to fight with such of nerd wearing glasses and let him in. The princess gets sick of hearing about fashion, movies and runs away with the heavy metal protagonist.
Chega no castelo e monta uma banda com a princesa e o drago fazendo vocais lricos e guturais respectivamente.
Gets to the castle and starts a band amoung with the princess doing the lyrical vocals and the dragon doing the guttural vocals.
hope my english translation was understandable.
To better understand each diferent style of Metal and Rock music, let's imagine a situation and it's end on each style.
No alto do castelo, h uma linda princesa - muito carente - que foi ali trancada, e guardada por um grande e terrvel drago
"Up high at the castle, there is a wonderful princess, lonely and sad, who has been locked up there, and she's watched by a big terrible mean dragon"
O protagonista chega no castelo numa Harley Davidson, mata o drago, enche a cara de cerveja com a princesa e depois transa com ela. Posteriormente se separam quando ela descobre que ele transou com uma groupie.
The protagonist gets to the castle on his Harley Davidson, kills the dragon, drink lots of beer with the princess and then they have sex. Lately they brake up because she finds out he had sex with some groupie.
O protagonista chega no castelo num cavalo alado branco, escapa do drago, salva a princesa, fogem para longe e fazem amor.
The protagonist gets to the castle on a white horse, escape from the dragon, saves the princess, run away from far away then they make love.
O protagonista chega brandindo sua espada e trava uma batalha gloriosa contra o drago. O drago sucumbe enquanto ele permanece em p, banhado pelo sangue de seu inimigo, sinal de seu triunfo. Resgata a princesa. Esgota a pacincia dela com auto-elogios e transa com ela.
The protagonist arrives with his sword and gets in a glorious battle against the dragon. The dragon succumbs while he's still stand, covered on his enemy's blood, sign of his triunph. He rescues the princess. Gets her full of himself then have sex.
O protagonista chega acompanhado de vrios amigos e duendes tocando acordeon, alade, viola e outros instrumentos estranhos. Fazem o drago dormir depois de tanto danar, e vo embora, sem a princesa, pois a floresta est cheia de ninfas, elfas e fadas.
Gets there with a bunch of friends and elfs playing accordion, lute other weird musical instruments. They put the dragon to sleep after dancing, and then they leave, without the princess, because there are lots of nynphs, fairies and elfs on the florest.
(meu favorito / my favorite)
O protagonista chega em um navio, mata o drago com um machado, assa e come. Estupra a princesa, pilha o castelo e toca fogo em tudo antes de ir embora.
The protagonist arrives in a boat, kills the dragon with a axe, barbecued it and eat it. Rapes the princess, destroys the castle and put it all on fire before leaving.
Chega de madrugada, dentro da neblina. Mata o drago e empala em frente ao castelo. Sodomiza a princesa, a corta com uma faca e bebe o seu sangue em um ritual at mat-la. Depois descobre que ela no era mais virgem e a empala junto com o drago.
Gets there on daybrake, throught the fog. Kills the dragon and impale in front of the castle. Sadomized the princess, in a ritual, cuts her with a knife and drinks her blood until she's dead. Later on he finds out she wasn't virgin and impales her together with the dragon.
O protagonista chega, mata o drago, transa com a princesa, mata a princesa e vai embora.
Kills the dragon, have sex with the princess, kills her and leave.
Chega, mata o drago. Sobe no castelo, transa com a princesa e a mata. Depois transa com ela de novo. Queima o corpo da princesa e transa com ele de novo.
Kills the dragon. Climbs to the top of the castle, have sex with the princess and then kills her. Then, again, have sex with her. Puts her body on fire and once again, have sex with her.
Chega, mata o drago, abre-o com um bisturi. Sodomiza a princesa com as tripas do drago. Abre buracos nela com o bisturi e estupra cada um dos buracos. Tira os globos oculares da princesa e estupra as rbitas. Depois mata a princesa, faz uma autpsia, tira fotos, e lana um lbum cuja capa uma das fotos.
Kills the dragom, opens it with a scalpel. Sodomized the princess with the dragon's guts. Cuts wholes on her body with a scalpel and rapes her throught each whole cuted by him. Pulls her eyeballs off and rapes her orbis. After it, he kills the princess, gives his autopsy, take pictures, and release an album which the cover is one of those pictures.
Chega no castelo, olha o tamanho do drago, fica deprimido e se mata. O drago come o cadver do protagonista e depois come a princesa.
Looks at the dragon, gets depressed and kills himself. The dragon eats his dead body and later eats the princess.
Chega no castelo, exorciza o drago, converte a princesa e usa o castelo para sediar mais uma Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus.
Gets to the castle, exorcizes the dragon, converts the princess to his religion and uses the castle to open another church.
Chega no castelo se achando o bonzo e dizendo o quanto bom de briga. Quer provar para todos que tambm foda e capaz de salvar a princesa. Acha que capaz de vencer o drago; perde feio e leva o maior cacete. O protagonista New Metal toma um prozak e vai gravar um disco The Best Of.
He gets to the castle feeling he's the bomb, saying he's a good fighter. He wants to prove to everybody he's the man and he's able to save the princess. He thinks he's able to put the dragon down; The dragon kicks his ass big time, and he gets all fucked up. The new metal protagonist takes a prozac and records a "the best of" kid of album.
Chega drogado, escapa do drago e encontra a princesa. Conta para ela sobre a sua infncia triste. A princesa d um soco na cara dele e vai procurar o protagonista Heavy Metal. O protagonista grunge sofre uma overdose de herona.
Gets ther really high, escapes from the dragon e finds the princess. Tells her about his sad childhood. The princess punch him on the face and go looking for the heavy metal protagonist. The grunge protagonist overdoses on heroyn and dies.
Chega de moto fumando um baseado e oferece para o drago, que logo fica seu amigo. Depois acampa com a princesa numa parte mais afastada do jardim e depois de muito sexo, drogas e rock n roll, tem uma overdose de LSD e morre sufocado no prprio vmito.
Arrives on his motorbike smoking a joint and offers some to the dragon, who sundely becomes friend with him. Then he goes camping with the princess somewhere in the garden and after lots of sex, drugs and rock and roll, overdoses on LSD and dies chokying on his own vomit
Cospe no drago, joga uma pedra nele e depois foge. Pixa o muro do castelo com um A de anarquia. Faz um moicano na princesa e depois abre uma barraquinha de fanzines no saguo do castelo.
Spits on the dragon, throws a rock on the dragon and then runs away. Draws an "A" as in Anarchy on the castle's wall. Makes a mohawk on the princes' hair and opens a fanzine store in the castle's basement
Chega ao castelo e conta ao drago o quanto gosta da princesa. O drago fica com pena e o deixa passar. Aps entrar no castelo ele descobre que a princesa fugiu com o protagonista Heavy Metal. Escreve uma msica de letra emotiva contando como foi abandonado pela sua amada e como o mundo injusto.
Tell the dragon how much he likes the princess. The dragon gets all touchy and let him in. After getting in the castle he finds out that the princess ran away with the heavy metal protagonist. Writes an emo song telling how he was abandoned by his beloved and how unfair the world is.
Chega, toca um solo virtuoso de guitarra de 26 minutos. O drago se mata de tanto tdio. Chega at a princesa e toca outro solo que explora todas as tcnicas de atonalismo em compassos ternrios compostos aprendidas no ltimo ano de conservatrio. A princesa foge e vai procurar o protagonista Heavy Metal.
Plays a 26 minutes long guitar solo. The dragon kills himself for boredom. Gets till the princess and plays another guitar solo which explores all his techniques he had learned while on conservatory. The princess runs away looking for the heavy metal protagonist.
Chega em um conversvel vermelho, com duas loiras peitudas e tomando Jack Daniels. Mata o drago com uma faca e faz uma orgia com a princesa e as loiras.
Get to the castle driving a red convertible, with busty blondes drinking jack daniel's. Kills the dragon with a knife and gets in an orgy with the princess and the two busty blondes.
O protagonista Hardcore chega bangueando, coloca o drago na roda, o enche de chutes e o derruba no fosso. Sobe todo o castelo, e d um mosh da torre mais alta.
The hardcore protagonist gets to the castle poguin (?)(pogo), puts the dragon in the midle of it, kicks the dragon and tips him in the gap. Goes up in the castle and jumps from the highest tower.
Chega no castelo. O drago r tanto quando o v que o deixa passar. Ele entra no castelo, rouba o hair dresser e o batom da princesa. Depois a convence a pintar o castelo de rosa e a fazer luzes nos cabelos.
The dragon starts to laught so hard when it sees the glam rocker that let him in. He get into the castle, steals the princes' hair dresser and lipstick. After convinces her to dye her hair pink.
Entra pelos fundos do castelo. O drago fica com pena de bater em um nerd franzino de culos e deixa ele passar. A princesa no aguenta ouvir ele falando de moda e cinema, e foge com o protagonista Heavy Metal.
Gets in the castle trhought the backdoor. The dragon thinks its not correct to fight with such of nerd wearing glasses and let him in. The princess gets sick of hearing about fashion, movies and runs away with the heavy metal protagonist.
Chega no castelo e monta uma banda com a princesa e o drago fazendo vocais lricos e guturais respectivamente.
Gets to the castle and starts a band amoung with the princess doing the lyrical vocals and the dragon doing the guttural vocals.
hope my english translation was understandable.