30 degrees and the snow ain't moving, and I'm starting to cringe a little. Getting to work tomorrow is going to be a bitch, trying to run my little car up the hill, sliding around on three inches of ice. Oh well. I'm trying to come up with anything else to do but go outside and dig my car out, which is what I really...
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the snow will never go away! frown
Scylla - I'll whore for you anytime, sweetie! And I'd probably keep the sex dream to yourself as well. I told the object of mine only because we are very close, and talk about that kind of thing all the time anyway. Plus, there is nothing worse than blog drama...

MistiDawn - Never fear. My sources tell me that tomorrow will bring us a high of 41, and that by Wednesday we'll be in the fifties. We'll get out of here yet.
With 19 inches of snow blocking my happy ass from going anywhere this Christmas, including back home to see my family, I have spent the better part of the last 3 days trapped in my apartment, desperately trying to come up with things to do. This morning, I joined SG, basically, because I had been meaning to for some time, and it seemed like the...
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Hey, welcome to the site!

American Psycho - the book is pretty interesting, although I think that Less Than Zero is a genuinely amazing book.
Thanks for the welcome! Less Than Zero was pretty cool. It caught that transitional phase of leaving for college and then trying to come home and hang out with old friends who are still doing the same things while you've moved on. You should try to catch the movie version, though. If ever there was a case of poetic license being taken, its this one. They took a dreary, kinda bleak book, and turned it into a hard-partying Brat Pack era movie with Robert Downey Jr. and Andrew McCarthy. And they even tack on a happy ending. puke