So of the 6 of us that were there for dinner, only two remained after 7 o'clock. Those being myself, your humble narrator, heretofore known only as "The Rev," at least for the night in question, and my partner in crime Boomer. We agonized for some time over our next move. A simple dinner and beers was certainly not all this Friday night could possibly hold for us. A scattershot of cell phone messages later, we were in the car, and headed for Jimtown.
Jimtown is not a where, but a what. As in "what happens when you combine rednecks, a basement, and the ancient Asian art of karaoke?"
...the answer being a version of "Sweet Home Alabama" so impudent that you'll never want to hear it any other way.
Jimtown was where we met the Daughter, a longtime friend of Boomer's from his school days. She welcomed us, told us about the bar, how all these people were regulars and friends, and you couldn't buy yourself a beer in this place if you wanted to. And proved it by buying all of Boomer's refreshments.
No alcohol for me, though. Just a little water. For my throat...'s time for karaoke.
The Rev and Boomer made their debut on the karaoke scene with a near-fatal version of the Barenaked Ladies' "If I Had A Million Dollars." The Daughter politely praised our guts while laughing at us, which became a sort of theme. Our duo split for a time, and I crooned some slightly off-key versions of Poison's "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" and Elton John's "Your Song," before we finally hit our stride. The Rev and Boomer returned to approach another Barenaked Ladies tune, the ubiquitous "One Week," and then The Rev took over. "Wanted Dead or Alive" brought the throngs to their knees, as I deftly weilded the line "I've seen a million faces/And I've rocked them all" like a rapier. To close, I unleashed the full potential of maximum R&B in the form of "Soul Man," serenading the Daughter with the line "I'll give you hope/And be your only boyfriend, yeah."
I feel the Rev brought some poor souls to the Lord this evening. Now for some sin...
(To be continued)
Jimtown is not a where, but a what. As in "what happens when you combine rednecks, a basement, and the ancient Asian art of karaoke?"
...the answer being a version of "Sweet Home Alabama" so impudent that you'll never want to hear it any other way.
Jimtown was where we met the Daughter, a longtime friend of Boomer's from his school days. She welcomed us, told us about the bar, how all these people were regulars and friends, and you couldn't buy yourself a beer in this place if you wanted to. And proved it by buying all of Boomer's refreshments.
No alcohol for me, though. Just a little water. For my throat...'s time for karaoke.
The Rev and Boomer made their debut on the karaoke scene with a near-fatal version of the Barenaked Ladies' "If I Had A Million Dollars." The Daughter politely praised our guts while laughing at us, which became a sort of theme. Our duo split for a time, and I crooned some slightly off-key versions of Poison's "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" and Elton John's "Your Song," before we finally hit our stride. The Rev and Boomer returned to approach another Barenaked Ladies tune, the ubiquitous "One Week," and then The Rev took over. "Wanted Dead or Alive" brought the throngs to their knees, as I deftly weilded the line "I've seen a million faces/And I've rocked them all" like a rapier. To close, I unleashed the full potential of maximum R&B in the form of "Soul Man," serenading the Daughter with the line "I'll give you hope/And be your only boyfriend, yeah."
I feel the Rev brought some poor souls to the Lord this evening. Now for some sin...
(To be continued)
we would love to have you, Rev

karaoke?? how does one get invited to such fun??