So tlast night I found out some new info on my so called "Unicorn". She left her boyfriend a while ago and I guess shes been dating someone for about a month now. From what I understand this gentelman is very wealthy and is providing her with a fairly large sum of money to get some stuff. He has also told her that she can live with him free of rent at his house. When she was telling this to my friend she said something along the lines of " Well the meam me would take avantage of that but I dont think Im going to". Now keep in mind I havent heard from her directly in quite some time but after hearing a comment like that I just became very dissapointed in her and I realized something. I realized that I am rapidly approaching the "Point of No Return" with her. You know, the point where you want to be with someone and are willing to wait so long, but then things happen and you dont ever really want to be with them ever again. You see the thing is I really used to care for this girl and know I hear of her saying things like this and it shows how much she acctually lies and manipulates people.
I also realized something when I heard someone say that she said this. I realized that there are really two kinds of people in this world. You see everyone has evil in them, but, when people reakize their evil they do one of two things. They either keep the evil at bay and deal with it, or they embrace it.
I realized that I am a person who understands and see's this evil and I hold it at bay as best I can. Now my unicorn on the other embraces this evil and enjoys it. You see she dosent really care who she hurts so long as she gets something out of the deal or relationship in return. I think that when she realized that I was going to see her maliciousness that shee decided to run.
I dont know maybe she did try to change herself to be with me or not. Maybe she tried but screwed up and decided that she could never change.
Well needless to say that if she continues like this I may never ever want to see or speak to her the rest of my life. I just hope she finishes what she doing and :Grows Up' so to say before she or someone else gets hurt badly...
Well Im off to bed, I just broke one of my molars in half and I need to find out how bad it is, I hope everyone elses day will be just a little bit brighter then the last.....
I also realized something when I heard someone say that she said this. I realized that there are really two kinds of people in this world. You see everyone has evil in them, but, when people reakize their evil they do one of two things. They either keep the evil at bay and deal with it, or they embrace it.
I realized that I am a person who understands and see's this evil and I hold it at bay as best I can. Now my unicorn on the other embraces this evil and enjoys it. You see she dosent really care who she hurts so long as she gets something out of the deal or relationship in return. I think that when she realized that I was going to see her maliciousness that shee decided to run.
I dont know maybe she did try to change herself to be with me or not. Maybe she tried but screwed up and decided that she could never change.
Well needless to say that if she continues like this I may never ever want to see or speak to her the rest of my life. I just hope she finishes what she doing and :Grows Up' so to say before she or someone else gets hurt badly...
Well Im off to bed, I just broke one of my molars in half and I need to find out how bad it is, I hope everyone elses day will be just a little bit brighter then the last.....
where are you? no updates no comments. no nothing what happened?