These are my pets

Ferret's aren't really like squirrels at all. They don't climb trees or anything. The do climb on up the back of my dresser and they can get thought some very small holes too. Some people mistake ferrets for rodents but they aren't rodents they are rodent hunters. Ferrets are carnivores from the family Mustelidae they are related to Polecats, Weasels, Mink, Martins, Ermine, Badgers, Skunks. otters,and Wolverines. I think they get mistaken for rodents because of the shape of their bodies but really they evolved to hunt rodents. you can't let a ferret play with a hamster, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, or any other small rodent because they will kill them and possibly eat them. Some people actually feed their ferrets raw meat and It's actually the healthiest diet for them. Many pet ferrets sit up and beg for mice. My ferrets eat mostly high end kitten food, freeze dried salmon and chicken, raw eggs, and salmon oil.
The 2 biggest complaints about ferrets are that they stink and they bite. Pet store ferrets are sold spayed or neutered and their anal glands removed which the call being descented but they still have scent glands near their ears that can't be easily removed so they have a slightly musky odor some people hate the smell but most ferret people love it. The biting is part of how ferrets communicate and play. ferrets very rarely bite out of aggression unless you've been squeaking a squeaky toy and then some of them get pretty worked up. Ferrets nip a lot when their babies and their teeth are sharp like razors when they're young. It's not hard to teach them not to bite but it takes patience and thick skin. after a little while they will learn how hard they can bite without hurting you. ferrets have the bite strength to go strait to the bone in you finger but I've never seen one do it. I have been savaged a few times by untrained ferrets and they have made me bleed a little but I've never needed more than a bandaid. I know they might sound like nasty little buggers but they really can be very sweat and playful and they have so much personality.

I've had this truck for over 10 years now and I've replaced or repaired almost every part of it. here are some of the picture I have taken in the process of making this truck my own creation.

I tried to make myself sound cool but I'm not really that cool. I just like fixing and driving old cars and trucks. I love this truck and I know it from front to back because I pretty much built the thing.
The fact that you can repair and rebuild the inside of a car makes you very cool🖤

One of my hobbies is collecting, restoring, and customizing HotWheels and other diecast and plastic models
