This has been my day.
woke up, didn't shower. fuck that. i'm stinky,
went to work at the bakery, had to make 2 platters then deal with shitty people while doing things like scoop portions of cookies
ate a lot of random shit because at my job we don't get a lunch break or a place to sit down. bullshit right?
I then joined my friends at a place called the Tennyson Lodge, which is the funniest strip club ever. It has a very low drop ceiling so the area where the pole is, is scarred with scratches from giant stripper heels.
nearly all the strippers had busted ass teeth.
they were all very nice girls though and it's owned by a 90 year old woman who is adorable.
This my life. Jesus.....
woke up, didn't shower. fuck that. i'm stinky,
went to work at the bakery, had to make 2 platters then deal with shitty people while doing things like scoop portions of cookies
ate a lot of random shit because at my job we don't get a lunch break or a place to sit down. bullshit right?
I then joined my friends at a place called the Tennyson Lodge, which is the funniest strip club ever. It has a very low drop ceiling so the area where the pole is, is scarred with scratches from giant stripper heels.
nearly all the strippers had busted ass teeth.
they were all very nice girls though and it's owned by a 90 year old woman who is adorable.
This my life. Jesus.....

I was just there for BARE-aoke! It was the first time I was ever in a strip club and one of the girls talked to me for like a half an hour and then when I went to the bathroom, 3 strippers were in there bitching about stripper drama.