So....I started a new lock today on a PvE server. Its not bad, I think im starting to like the Aliance...OH NOZE! Im sure Ill live. In other news.....guess i dont have any. Late.
Got my new Zippo today. Serenity ftw. Someone should start a Joss Whedon group. Not so much about the man but about his work. Im such a big fan. Even the comic was good.
THATS RIGHT LADIES, I am currently available. So........thats all i got. damn.
YES, finally went to ZG with a somewhat full guild run. We downed the Bat boss in two try's....YAY!!! So......nothin else really. LATE
Hmm.. Well since Tenn was a bad idea to top bad ideas. I mean u ask these peopleif they know what a d20 is and their head explodes attempting to figure out if its a cal. of ammo or a car part. I mean there is not one gamer in the whole state it seems like. So..now for the biggg question..do i move to England...
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Normally people who don't live in Florida don't get into SGFL. But I see you are thinking about moving. So, you get a pass on that.

But you do need to post pictures of yourself in your PICS folder.

After you do, please re-apply to SGFL.
Im beginning to think moving was a bad idea. Im up here in this new town without any friends. The only person I have to talk to is my computer. I came up here to be with family but they cant offer the type of enjoyment and fun that my friends back home can. But the problem is, its so nice up here. I have...
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Man its blistering ass cold up here. Either Im not use to it or it really is cold. Man growing up in Florida doesnt prepare you for anything but driving around old people and getting a tan.
It's not that bad!!! Just wait a couple of months.....
Oh and, serioulsy if you like Milla go se Lavonne. She is one of my favs and she looks so much like her its scary. But dont tell her that, she gets sick of hearing it. She knows.....
I finally got WoW working. Ive been suffering from withdrawls since its been about a month since Ive played last. Man it feels good to catch that dragon.
Yes, it is truly hell working where I do. Hence, I have skipped work the past 3 dyas in a row. I see you just moved to TN. Where were you living before?
So I've been in my new town for about 2 weeks and havent met anybody yet (besides the people at work). Is it possible I found the most boring town in the world.
I am bored out of my mind. If anyone wants to talk you should I M me. I have AIM the names bigggdude.