What's the most angry you've ever been? I think I was really close to my threshold today. I'm on the ASI Board at Sac St. I was asked to volunteer some time running a voting booth for the elections for next year. Since I'm not a candidate its perfectly ok. I am supporting some friends who are running for office. The ADVOCATE slate. I have plenty of good friends in this group. Well the candidate for President from the StudentCrats slate saw me working a booth and complained about me saying that I was talking to voters and encouraging them to Vote ADVOCATE. I did nothing of the sort and now I'm heated. I know my responsibilities and what I can and can't do while working a voting booth. After I heard about the complaint I was walking back to my office and he gave me this snide comment about "how could you work a voting booth?" I almost kicked his ass. I wanted to punch him so badly. I talked to some friends about 40 feet away about how I wanted to beat his ass and I said it loud enough for him to hear. He didn't say shit to me about it. Sorry about that. I'm not usually a violent person but when someone questions my integrity I have a bit of a short fuse.