Insomnia's a bitch. I got out of work at 6 and It's nearly 10 AM and I'm still awake. I hate taking caffiene pills and staying up a long time. Mabye a wank will tire me out. I hate caffiene pills...
Still. Some notes:
- Work sucked last night. I posted a good entry in the culinary professionals group but siffice to say I earned 55 dollars last night and earned every penny. Nice of the people I owe money to to show up at work as well in the middle of my rush and bug me for cash. Believe me, I now want to pay my debt off so I can tell the both of them to fuck off and die. But I earned my bus money to the ATL holiday party. I happy. Plus I got the time off legitimately with mabye a few days to work more so I can earn more booze and food money! Good week.
- I like Writer, as most people here have seen me write about but she has broken my heart with a salami.
I kid, I kid. But she did make me feel a little sad: it's rare I find anime girls who are date worthy in the world. I wish there was an anime dating site...for otaku and the women who love them...or vice versa...I want a girl who loves anime and music as much as I do...
- I posted a set for Big Cuddly Boys...and yes I did pose nude! Oh my....and I won't post any here. Mabye an outtake or two but they were all webcam photos and grainy as all hell to boot. Sigh...this is why I need a photographer...and a quart of cheap booze.
- More about Friday night: my little snugglebuddy turned crush is making me wait for her decision as to whom she'll spread her legs for, for lack of a better term. I'm not getting my hopes up, frankly. I feel like the other shoe is about to drop even though every time I look at my bed I can see her writhing under my touch. I can hear her voice in my ear telling me she wants to have beautiful biracial children with I keep rolling that thought over in my mind that she likes black guys has wanted to date and mate and love black guys but she's never found one that makes her feel like a woman and not just a piece of meat. Go chivalry!
I so hope she gives me her heart...cause she could have mine now for a short sonnet. She might already have it. But if she choses her other dude, I'm ok. I'm already battening down the hatches. And like i said, it's more proof that my way of doing things may not get me booty...but it might just get me a lot more. And that's at the end of the day, what I REALLY want.
- I'm wondering if I'll be going home for my birthday on Dec. 22nd. I want to go back to Connecticut and I want to meet and snuggle with some of the SG girls from that area. But 250 beans to go home on an airplane for 3 days is a bit much to deal with...even with my family forking up half. I'm almost wondering if I should even worry about going home and just get drunk for those days and work. Who the fuck knows?
Time to go. I'm going to try and write more fanfiction...I'm balls deep in a writer's block and I need to get the fuck out of it. Later all...
Still. Some notes:
- Work sucked last night. I posted a good entry in the culinary professionals group but siffice to say I earned 55 dollars last night and earned every penny. Nice of the people I owe money to to show up at work as well in the middle of my rush and bug me for cash. Believe me, I now want to pay my debt off so I can tell the both of them to fuck off and die. But I earned my bus money to the ATL holiday party. I happy. Plus I got the time off legitimately with mabye a few days to work more so I can earn more booze and food money! Good week.
- I like Writer, as most people here have seen me write about but she has broken my heart with a salami.

- I posted a set for Big Cuddly Boys...and yes I did pose nude! Oh my....and I won't post any here. Mabye an outtake or two but they were all webcam photos and grainy as all hell to boot. Sigh...this is why I need a photographer...and a quart of cheap booze.

- More about Friday night: my little snugglebuddy turned crush is making me wait for her decision as to whom she'll spread her legs for, for lack of a better term. I'm not getting my hopes up, frankly. I feel like the other shoe is about to drop even though every time I look at my bed I can see her writhing under my touch. I can hear her voice in my ear telling me she wants to have beautiful biracial children with I keep rolling that thought over in my mind that she likes black guys has wanted to date and mate and love black guys but she's never found one that makes her feel like a woman and not just a piece of meat. Go chivalry!

- I'm wondering if I'll be going home for my birthday on Dec. 22nd. I want to go back to Connecticut and I want to meet and snuggle with some of the SG girls from that area. But 250 beans to go home on an airplane for 3 days is a bit much to deal with...even with my family forking up half. I'm almost wondering if I should even worry about going home and just get drunk for those days and work. Who the fuck knows?
Time to go. I'm going to try and write more fanfiction...I'm balls deep in a writer's block and I need to get the fuck out of it. Later all...
Are you familiar with chattarock? If you ever get the chance, check out Mister Grits. It's my friend Rob's band.
You like Bob Ross, Good Eats, and anime.... *swoons*