I have a lot to write about but all I'll say for now is this: perhaps 400lbgorilla was right. Mabye I AM a sleeping giant. My snuggle buddy turned into the girl who has a massive crush on me. We hit second base last night and if I stretched it, I could easily have turned it into a triple or a home run. I was SO surprised. A pleasant surprise.
It's now a coin flip as to if she'll be my woman but if not, I'm glad things happened as they did nonetheless. If she becomes my woman, fuck yes. If not, I gave a beautiful virgin her first orgasm and proved yet again that once I get over the hump of being shy, I can pleasure any woman with my hands and tounge.
I have pretty serious lower back pain but my hands still smell of her. A wonderful untouched aroma. I love my life, shitty as it is.
It's now a coin flip as to if she'll be my woman but if not, I'm glad things happened as they did nonetheless. If she becomes my woman, fuck yes. If not, I gave a beautiful virgin her first orgasm and proved yet again that once I get over the hump of being shy, I can pleasure any woman with my hands and tounge.

I have pretty serious lower back pain but my hands still smell of her. A wonderful untouched aroma. I love my life, shitty as it is.

but good for you, Darkness...good for you