Yesterday morning, not too far from where I am sitting right now, one deranged individual decided to make himself infamous by killing 6 adults and 20 children before taking his own life. My cousin is a teacher in the Newtown school district, but she does not work at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. She was friends with the heroic principal, Dawn Hochsprung. According to what my cousin has heard, Dawn died as she attempted to tackle the shooter. In my cousin's e-mail inbox is a message from Dawn that was sent to her on Thursday. My cousin hadn't had time to reply. My cousin is taking this pretty hard, so I can only imagine what the families of the victims are going through right now. This is a time where we should be offering our support, thoughts, and prayers.
Unfortunately, there are those who see this as an opportunity. NYC Mayor Bloomberg, Boston Mayor Menino, and US Representative Nadler from NY have each used this tragedy as a call for legislation that suits their political beliefs. Even the President, who made a mostly appropriate statement, had to insert a line that alluded to new legislation. This is why I believe that politicians are the scum of the earth. They can't even allow us a single day to mourn because that would be, as Rahm Emanuel said, letting "a serious crisis go to waste." Just disgusting.
I'm utterly sick of hearing about how this guy wouldn't have been able to do what he did if he didn't have a gun. That's absolute and total bullshit, and a poor argument. It is a statement that is purely politically motivated, and if you don't think so, you're stupid. Let me remind you that Timothy McVeigh killed over 150 people, including 19 children, without using a gun. 19 terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes on 9/11 without using a single gun, and killed nearly 3,000 people. Your anti-gun arguments are political bullshit, so please just keep your fucking mouth shut. Someone who is motivated to kill will find a way to do it. When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Gun control laws will prevent nut-jobs from getting guns about as much as drug laws prevent people from buying marijuana or cocaine or heroin or meth or any other drug they want to get their hands on. This is NOT a gun problem!
What we have is a PEOPLE problem. This guy, who committed these crimes, was fucked up. Society should concern itself with identifying and removing the unstable people from the streets, not guns. That is where we should be putting our time, energy and money. We need to make an effort to identify the evil and unstable people and get them off the streets so they cannot do harm to other members of society. A gun is an inanimate object. By itself, it's neither good nor bad. The intent of its use is where small minded people get stuck. If Dawn was carrying a gun yesterday, we probably wouldn't have heard a peep from any of our esteemed gun control politicians or their dim-witted followers. Dawn would still be hailed as a hero, but she would probably be alive to hear the congratulations. All because she was carrying a gun. And my cousin would still have a reason to reply to the message that sits in her inbox.
May Dawn, her colleagues, and those 20 little angels rest in peace.
Unfortunately, there are those who see this as an opportunity. NYC Mayor Bloomberg, Boston Mayor Menino, and US Representative Nadler from NY have each used this tragedy as a call for legislation that suits their political beliefs. Even the President, who made a mostly appropriate statement, had to insert a line that alluded to new legislation. This is why I believe that politicians are the scum of the earth. They can't even allow us a single day to mourn because that would be, as Rahm Emanuel said, letting "a serious crisis go to waste." Just disgusting.
I'm utterly sick of hearing about how this guy wouldn't have been able to do what he did if he didn't have a gun. That's absolute and total bullshit, and a poor argument. It is a statement that is purely politically motivated, and if you don't think so, you're stupid. Let me remind you that Timothy McVeigh killed over 150 people, including 19 children, without using a gun. 19 terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes on 9/11 without using a single gun, and killed nearly 3,000 people. Your anti-gun arguments are political bullshit, so please just keep your fucking mouth shut. Someone who is motivated to kill will find a way to do it. When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Gun control laws will prevent nut-jobs from getting guns about as much as drug laws prevent people from buying marijuana or cocaine or heroin or meth or any other drug they want to get their hands on. This is NOT a gun problem!
What we have is a PEOPLE problem. This guy, who committed these crimes, was fucked up. Society should concern itself with identifying and removing the unstable people from the streets, not guns. That is where we should be putting our time, energy and money. We need to make an effort to identify the evil and unstable people and get them off the streets so they cannot do harm to other members of society. A gun is an inanimate object. By itself, it's neither good nor bad. The intent of its use is where small minded people get stuck. If Dawn was carrying a gun yesterday, we probably wouldn't have heard a peep from any of our esteemed gun control politicians or their dim-witted followers. Dawn would still be hailed as a hero, but she would probably be alive to hear the congratulations. All because she was carrying a gun. And my cousin would still have a reason to reply to the message that sits in her inbox.
May Dawn, her colleagues, and those 20 little angels rest in peace.