Why are there not more sizes available for full figured men & women. It disturbs me greatly that it is not an option, especially for a site such as this. We are all here to embrace anyone and everything, yet the merchandise available does not reflect this way of thinking. Talk about a blow to the self esteem when the very place you tell people to go where you can just be yourself but don't even try to fit into their clothes, cuz U fat!
I mean no disrespect to anyone on staff and especially not to founder, @missy. I just feel like it's being over looked. I understand that maybe you did at one point and time sell some of the things in different sizes and I'm sorry to make a stink about it. However, it just feels like it should be an option for both the men's and the women's wear. If I am out of line then I apologize. I wil not bring it up again. I do hope that at some point and time, this issue can be remedied. At least if there was one men's/woman's SG shirt that went a little more beyond the cutoff large size (which truthfully is not a a good large) that at least will allow larger people to proudly represent the SG brand.
Yes, SG has incredibly gorgeous women and a lot are skinny. There are also heavier set SG's, Hopefuls and Members that are not under the Victoria's Secret skinny facade. Im sure if you do this and put it out there so everyone knows it's available, much like the posts I see on social media.
Anyway, thanks for letting me bitch about why I'm having a pity party cuz I can't buy a fuckin' t-shirt! LOLOL!!! I love being a very teeny tiny part of this and I love love love πππ all the Girls on here!!! Take care lovelies and be seeing you soon!