I really don't have that many friends on Facebook, maybe around 170-ish. Every once in a while, I go through a stage, sort of like a Hot & Cold situation. I do have fun seeing the many posts from friends, family and the many different places that I have linked to in my News Feed. However, there are about a 1/3 to 1/2 of my "friends" and family that post some of THE MOST ignorant backwards way of thinking stories, memes and other sorted things. It is starting to angerme to the point that I want to unfriend them but it is also unfair to not hear the opposition. The problem is, as I said, I feel like what is being spewed is propaganda that is very ignorant and shows a level of intolerance that is sickening.
I have thought many times to just quit FB altogether if I am going to get myself this upset about things. It is not really worth it, I tell myself. I have a tendency to start to comment when I see those stories. Boy...do I comment. It usually turns out to be this huge diatribe of me rambling/ranting and I end up sounding just as bad as them just on the other end of the spectrum. Not mean or belittling but I can re-read something and just tell that this will only aggravate the situation instead of solving anything!
The friends that I tend to have issues with have STRONG opinions, all be it, very well thought out but totally intolerable and uneducated. The topics range from anti-abortion/pro-life, gun laws, woman's rights, immigration, LGBTQ rights, political status, animal rights and the grand Poo-bah of them all...religion 😖😖😖😡😡😡.
Now, before I get to far along I need to very briefly clarify my views...
1. I believe I a woman's right to choose and that the SO ideally should be involved but ultimately it's HER body.
2. The 2nd Amendmant NEEDS to be changed and modified to reflect our modern age and existence of today's kind of available artillery. Also, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about "privacy" but super invasive background checks NEED to be done.
3. Women should be treated and paid the same wages and other assorted things given to men. The differences between a man and woman in the workplace as far as performance should be held to the same ideals and not two different sets of gender specific rules.
4. Immigration...our country was founded by immigrants who took this country from people who already made this land their home...enough said.
5. All rights and freedoms for all of us, yes that includes every single American that identifies themselves LGBTQ.
6. Politicians are all fucked. However, We the People, don't do what we are supposed to do and make them represent us for what we believe in and what we want done collectively. However, I am fucking disgusted how we seem to treat our President, Commander in Chief, no matter who it is.
7. Animal rights have come a long way but more needs to be done to punish these fuckers. For example... Those who tell me Micheal Vick did his time now let him be, you know what FUCK THAT! maybe move on but he sure as fucking shit shouldn't be given the honor to play in the NFL!
8. And religion...I am an Apathist...which means, i believe that yes there is some kind of higher thing or force that has made this amazing planet of life work and give us as human beings a conciousness...BUT...I just don't give a shit what or who it is. I am living my life on what I feel is right. If I were to buy into one thing it would be whatever the Native Americans believed or even Wicca. All that other man-made belief system, yeah that's just cafeteria religion. I think though that if something of faith, whether it's Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Muslim, Morman, whatever finds you a path of piece and makes you whole with morals that you feel are just, then more power to you. I will never bash you for what you want to believe in. But don't ever let me catch you trying to talk me in to it or forcing it down my throat because I am well versed in the Bible and I will turn so many hypocrisies on you it will make your head spin.
Now getting back to this Facebook thing...those 8 topics are hot button issues that seem to fuel my fire and people with what seem to be radical views on any of those subjects, always seem to take it to extremes. As I have blogged before here, I am an empathetic person that also feeds into the emotions of the many who I feel can't or don't get to defend themselves. My hackles then come up and I get so emotional that it gives me panic attacks. So with that in my mind, should I just quit involving myself with Facebok. I have high blood pressure already with a family history of MANY heart problems. I know and realise that this is a sad predicament, especially with all the other BS things going on in the world that are much bigger than my own worth. But if I don't take care of myself what's the point of the rest of the world being around me as well. Right?!
Many of those hot button issues could be solved pretty quickly if people would just fucking compromise. Unfortunately, most people anymore only seem to deal with absolutes and nothing more. All or nothing is the primary goal...I also like to think of it as Mine Disease. That means this is the way want it so that's the way that I will get...nope, everything else is stupid and wrong! I will agree on one thing with what is being said by all these idiot claims...America is falling apart, it is crumbling. It's not the Presidents fault, it's not France's fault, it's not any body else's fault but we as a people of this country. We are failing this country and what was so beloved about the story and belief of America, land of the free. Every thing has us scared and paranoid. There is a clear amount of many who are divided in this country. And that's just sad. We were a country that was strong and so amazing...now we even get booed at international sporting events.
I'm sorry if this has been a downer of a blog. I just needed some kind of avenue to be able to rant and be myself with my thoughts without having to worry about judgement...I want to love my country and all of my fellow Americans, friends and family. But...smh...something drastic really needs to change. If you manage to read this all the way through, I hope you you don't think less of me. That is not my intention. I love you all here on SG, I have always made that clear.