I don't pretend that I'm not a religious person. I suppose if I were to claim any title it would be Apatheism...but this story is just ridiculous! So I posted my opinion, because I can, on FB...like anything else I post that seems to be remotely against religion, it has not had much feedback but whatever. I put a link to one of the stories on this down below if you are interested...
Of course, it seems like things such as this with social media the way it is (hence, me able to voice my opinion of disbelief as well) that attitudes to literally ANYTHING get blown way out of proportion as well as people trying to "find some hidden meaning" as to why things are how they are. This right here is a prime example of just that. Certain people making up there own justification (probably Starbucks h8ers to begin with) why this cup is soooo evil and Starbucks is soooo bad. IT'S A RED FUCKING CUP!!! IT WILL SOON JUST HAVE COFFEE IN IT THAT YOU WILL DRINK EMPTY AND THROW AWAY! Never to be thought of again. It seems to me that Starbucks has not and is NOT a religion based authority pushing its own version of a God like agenda. They push the hell out of coffee and cram it down our throats as consumers (as I am a proud participant) and we somewhat treat coffee as a religious experience. You either like Starbucks or you don't and having your reasons are whatever you choose. However, you need to get your shit straight and if you are going to cause this much trouble, then you need to have something more to bitch about then no snowflakes or other God-fearing type icons appearing on your seasonal morning, afternoon, evening, after dinner or post coital $6 coffee.
Christian Evangelical all pissy...
The cup at the top left is the new cup. It's just a plain red cup...the other cups are of years past...