This little cutie is is my lab-border collie-???. He's an angel and such a cuddly teddy bear. His name is Lieben, which is love💖 in German
This of course is Keller. He is a 130# American Bulldog and he was born deaf. We have had him since he was 4 months old and we have taught him quite a bit in sign language that he sometimes chooses to ignore
This is our African Grey Parrot. His name is Jesse Rutger and he is amazing. He was a rescue for us that we took from an abusive home. His leg was broken at one point in time but was never taken in to fix. He also was kept in darkness for extended periods of time, cussed at and things thrown at his cage. We got him when he was 2 and now he is 19 years young and he has an extensive vocabulary including...I'm so proud of this...he can make ALL of R2-D2's sounds and can breath like Darth Vader. How fuckin bad ass is that?!
Lieben loves the snow!
Keller riding in the front seat of my wife's Fiat like a boss!