Suddenly Wendy is woken by something screaming or yelling at her, she isn’t sure which, but it opens her eyes widely with an instant rush of adrenaline that stirs her with extreme fear. Wendy looks around only long enough to point her vision towards a door of questionable status. She rises completely to the floor from the warm, undeniably wet bed and performs the necessary actions to make a run for the door but then proceeds to plunge immediately to the heavily splintered wooden floor. She looks down with a feeling of a million razor blades swiping at her leg. A shock of pain courses through her as her nightmare has now heightened when she sees that there is an empty space where a right foot should be. Now, only a stub of stitched mangled flesh. She shrieks with more terror, tears flowing steadily from her red stinging eyes as she notices she’s not where she fell asleep peacefully in her bed last night. She takes a better look around and notices three other presumably dead bodies, all with their right foot severed, same as she. Her nightmare continues as the darkness of the room tricks her already blurred vision into thinking she should crawl to that haunting door a mere 5’ in distance but it might as well have been a mile away. Wendy drags her stitched and horribly infected limb forward only to put her hand straight into a band of nails that, upon second notice, surrounds the bed. Heavy duty framing nails about 8 nails deep and each nail set pointed up and about 2”apart. Screaming in pain, she pulls her hand out from the nails to back herself against blood soaked sheets of the bed she had rose from. This must be where her unscheduled “surgery” took place. Wendy, confused by her surroundings, sat with the 3 dead bodies, a bloody bed, no windows and a smell of death that grows more rancid by the second. It was all her senses could take with the unhealthy combination of decaying humans and body fluids that have emptied from the corpses…she begins to vomit. The expelled contents of her stomach appeared as nothing but the brightly colored yellow that cannot mistake for anything but bile.