So there is a Starbucks store with a drive-thru that sits in front of my work kiosk (aluminium box that has just enough room for me, a chair, a couple computers and over 2000+ cigarettes and snuff). Every morning I get to witness todays super over caffeinated consumer battle it out to be first in line at this drive-thru. Each and everyday the case of "The Monday's" is never more prevalent to me then between the hours of 5:00am and 7:30am. By all accounts, these would-be perfectly nice and courteous individuals, turn into something that may have peeled off the pages of Fangoria. Cars blast in to the driveway and nitro pack themselves through the parking lot like they are participating in a 1/4 mile track bet and is about to be lost unless they order there super charged liquid reviving essences of life. This cup of liquid gold is evidently required for even the remote possibility to get at least half of any kind whatever bullshit thing resembling work that is expected from them on that day. Twice now I have seen two different couples walking their dog(s) that have had to literally jump and subsequently yank their dogs with them to avoid any altercation they may have by the speeding zephyr. These pedestrians are then met with a stern look together with a fuck you finger for having the audacity to push them any further away from their liquid fuel. I have also witnessed 3 car accidents from people pushing themselves into one another as if their coffee requisition was going to depend highly in winning at an impromptu demolition derby followed up with a brief screaming match that just about escalates to a definite fist-a-cuffs but some how manages not to.
All this for a $4-$8 coffee and a so-so $3-$6 pastry or sandwich. Again, I personally am a big fan of The Bucks. However, going to these angry lengths to get your morning cup of joe just seems a bit extreme. CALM THE HELL DOWN!!! These people either need to leave a few minutes earlier or brew that shit at home. It's just not worth it you selfish pricks!!!