Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is only 103 days away! I'm getting so stupidly and epically excited for it...I know I'm super nerdy to love SW the way I do but I don't really give a shit. Anyone who is anyone can probably watch the original trilogy of Star Wars now and go "geez us, fuckin' hell man! What the fuck is all the hoopla about? The acting is overdone, the writing is cheesy and some of the effects are not that great!" But you know, the fantasy space opera story in itself is enough to appreciate the films. However, I myself LOVE how the effects were as well as all the various creatures that we were introduced to. I would have loved to see more Tauntaun action on Hoth or a little more time and additional scenes in Jabbas Palace.
What I really get all goofy about is watching the Millenium Falcon in action as well as the Tie Fighters. Don't even get me started on how true I wish the Death Star was an actual thing! LOL...
Then tHere is the amazing and mystical weapon of choice for the Jedi and Sith Lords...the lightsaber. I have to say that I would absolutely lose my shit if these fuckin things were real! I would most likely refinance my house just to get one if I had to!
Anyway, the upcoming Star Wars from what I have seen (as much as they will let us see) looks pretty godamn epic. Having JJ Abrams be the catalyst to redefine the series was the best way to go. The Star Trek revamp was magnificent! I know quite a few people that are ST di-hards that said it was an abomination. But I feel those kinds of people wouldn't be happy with anything.
So get ready for an amazing time in our lives with a whole new wave of awesome SW stuff to continue the fantasy saga that will be immortal...