hope everyone is doing good.So ever since i learned how to make mac and cheese i've been mixing it with other foods.First i started putting corn in those little mac and cheese cups,that was good! then i tried mixing it with green beans.. not so good.Today i mixed it with beans and damn its good! its my favorite thing to do now.Anyways besides eating i've been working,creeping on the interweb (as usual) working and working.They're actually cutting hours at work so i'm thinking of getting a part time job cuz i needs the $$$ (who does'nt right?).I've also been trying to keep in shape and stay strong doing push ups and sit ups at my place,plus having basically no food in my fridge helps
and drinking lots of water.So thats it i hope this at least helped someone fall asleep,bye everyone have an awesome weekend i'll be working (again).Byeeeee

mac n cheese is delish. its good with just about anything mixed in it.lol

Yes! i also love putting ketchup on it YUMM!