I was molested tonight...
So there i am, first time at chain reaction. minding my own business, watching bands play, walking out on one that just sucked. So than tree phort comes on. i knew they were you know different from the other bands but they were funny and put on a good show. talked alot but it was funny ( i can't hear out of my right ear :/ ) So than John takes of his shirt as the guy talks about bands with people that take off there shirt, than he takes off his pants. to reveal some kind of thong thing. than they go on some more and he sprays hair spray on his genitals. than kisses the singinger than lights himself on fire!
fuck dude you should smell the burning pubes. they to another song than john comes down and does a hand stand (mind you he's only wearing a thong) than he comes over to me and lays his legs on my and rubs up on me.... than the singer starts telling him what to do. I was feltup than he starts his face by my knees and runs his face against my body all the way up till he gets to my face, than he kisses me... so after that he pushed me aside and they went on to turning the pit into 2 groups.
Later he comes up to me to interduce himself and says "sorry i tried to kiss you
, but thanks for catching my legs"
Yeah so uhh.....
I'm going to go take a shower now
So there i am, first time at chain reaction. minding my own business, watching bands play, walking out on one that just sucked. So than tree phort comes on. i knew they were you know different from the other bands but they were funny and put on a good show. talked alot but it was funny ( i can't hear out of my right ear :/ ) So than John takes of his shirt as the guy talks about bands with people that take off there shirt, than he takes off his pants. to reveal some kind of thong thing. than they go on some more and he sprays hair spray on his genitals. than kisses the singinger than lights himself on fire!
fuck dude you should smell the burning pubes. they to another song than john comes down and does a hand stand (mind you he's only wearing a thong) than he comes over to me and lays his legs on my and rubs up on me.... than the singer starts telling him what to do. I was feltup than he starts his face by my knees and runs his face against my body all the way up till he gets to my face, than he kisses me... so after that he pushed me aside and they went on to turning the pit into 2 groups.
Later he comes up to me to interduce himself and says "sorry i tried to kiss you

Yeah so uhh.....
I'm going to go take a shower now

scrub hard.